D. C. Tremaine › Tunes

Short Name: D. C. Tremaine
Full Name: Tremaine, D. C.
Hymnary.org does not have biographical information about this person.

Tunes by D. C. Tremaine (7)sort descendingAsInstancesIncipit
[A vessel was speeding with sails all set]D. C. Tremaine (Composer)234565 32124 61712
[Brother, don't you remember the old, old home]D. C. Tremaine (Composer)251332 11761 43345
[In the distance I see a pilgrim]D. C. Tremaine (Composer)255333 32211 13546
[Jesus came into the world to save]D. C. Tremaine (Composer)212333 45653 32234
[O, this world is very full of bright illusions]D. C. Tremaine (Composer)251333 33432 21111
[Out on life's ocean are perishing souls]D. C. Tremaine (Composer)233332 12165 13323
[The prodigal gathered his portion, and left his dear old father's home]D. C. Tremaine (Composer)251111 76536 55666
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