Advanced search with key signature

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I have noticed for a few months now that the key signature search box has not been working properly. For example, on the Advanced Search page, if I enter "Amazing grace" as a text, then "F" or "F major" in the key box, the results page shows results for A minor instead. 


I made the same search and it I get an error on my page that says "Invalid field name 'textNe'". This doesn't happen when you search only for the text name "Amazing grace" nor when you search using just a key.

What is happening is that the search is seeing that you are going to be searching for a key and the first "key" it sees is "am" (from textName).

It happens any time you search for a hymn with both the text and key. I tried "Blessed Assurance" in the key of "G" and it still returned a minor.

We were not able to reproduce this problem. It is possible it is fixed now. If not, please let us know. If possible, send a screenshot.