Full texts

All texts, copyrighted and those in the public domain, can be entered into Hymnary.org. If the text was written before 1923 and/or is not under copyright, it can be displayed in the database. If the text is copyrighted, be sure to enter the copyright statement from the hymnal and mark the checkbox below the full text.

Full texts on instance pages should be entered exactly as they appear in the hymnal -- same wording and punctuation.

Don't worry about indentation. Just enter the full text as plain text, with return pressed after each line and twice between verses. Add a stanza number at the beginning of each stanza. Use "Refrain:" where appropriate. For example,


1 LORD, our Lord, your glorious name

all your wondrous works proclaim;

in the heavens with radiant signs

evermore your glory shines.

How great your name!



LORD, our Lord, in all the earth,

how great your name!

Yours the name of matchless worth,

excellent in all the earth.

How great your name!


2 text text text text

text text text text

text text text text

text text text text. [Refrain]


3 text, etc.

If the text is copyrighted, select "Nobody" from the "Display Permissions" menu. If the text is public domain, select "Everybody."