Dacă Isus Ca Împărat

Representative Text

1 Dacă Isus ca împărat,
Se va arăta,
Şi pe ai săi răscumpăraţi,
La cer ia muta.

Oh atunci vor străluci
Toţi ca stelele,
Pe coroana lui Isus,
Ca podoabele.

2 Adunaiva împreună
Cu oastea sfântă,
Pe toţi cei ce’n sângele lui
Acum se spală. [Refren]

3 Pe fii săi El pe braţe
Îi va lua sus,
Cari de tîneri inima lor,
Ş’au dat lui Isus. [Refren]

4 Oh dar voi toţi cei mici şi mari,
Pe El să’l urmaţi,
Fericire şi mărire,
Prin El câştigaţi. [Refren]

Source: The Cyber Hymnal #15244

Translator: Anonymous

In some hymnals, the editors noted that a hymn's author is unknown to them, and so this artificial "person" entry is used to reflect that fact. Obviously, the hymns attributed to "Author Unknown" "Unknown" or "Anonymous" could have been written by many people over a span of many centuries. Go to person page >

Author: W. O. Cushing

Rv William Orcutt Cushing USA 1823-1902. Born at Hingham, MA, he read the Bible as a teenager and became a follower of the Orthodox Christian school of thought. At age 18 he decided to become a minister, following in his parents theology. His first pastorate was at the Christian Church, Searsburg, NY. He married Hena Proper in 1854. She was a great help to him throughout his ministry. He ministered at several NY locations over the years, including Searsburg, Auburn, Brookley, Buffalo, and Sparta. Hena died in 1870, and he returned to Searsburg, again serving as pastor there. Working diligently with the Sunday school, he was dearly beloved by young and old. Soon after, he developed a creeping paralysis that caused him to lose his… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Dacă Isus ca împărat
Title: Dacă Isus Ca Împărat
English Title: When he cometh, when he cometh
Author: W. O. Cushing (1856)
Translator: Anonymous
Language: Romanian
Refrain First Line: Oh atunci vor străluci
Copyright: Public Domain


The Cyber Hymnal #15244
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The Cyber Hymnal #15244

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