Fay Wallingford

Short Name: Fay Wallingford
Full Name: Wallingford, Fay
Hymnary.org does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by Fay Wallingford (10)sort ascendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
Since I let my Savior come inFay Wallingford (Author)English2
Once I was drifting, lost and in sinFay Wallingford (Author)English5
O my brother, today, have you thought of the costFay Wallingford (Author)English2
My burdens are lighter, sunshine is brighterFay Wallingford (Author)English2
Living close to the SaviorFay Wallingford (Author)English2
I'm traveling along with my Redeemer, over life's rough and rugged wayFay Wallingford (Author)English2
I ask the Lord for work to doFay Wallingford (Author)3
I am traveling on to the city of goldFay Wallingford (Author)English2
God hears and He answers prayerFay Wallingford (Author)English5
En turbias olas, lejos de DiosFay Wallingford (Author)2
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