Martin A. Seltz

Short Name: Martin A. Seltz
Full Name: Seltz, Martin A., 1951-
Birth Year: 1951 does not have biographical information about this person.

Texts by Martin A. Seltz (15)AsAuthority LanguagesInstancessort descending
By all your saints still strivingMartin A. Sletz, b. 1951 (Author (sts. 17, 20, 22))English1
Cantemos al Señor Un himno de alegríaMartin A. Seltz (Translator)Spanish1
Ese precioso niñoMartin A. Seltz, n. 1951 (Translator)Spanish1
Pastores, a Belén vamos con alegríaMartin A. Seltz (Translator)Spanish1
Praise to the Lord! the Almighty, the King of creation!Martin A. Seltz (Adapter (stanza 4))English1
Savior of the nations, come, Virgin's Son make here your homeMartin A. Seltz (Translator (stanzas 3, 4))English1
Su nombre es "El Señor" y pasa hambreMartin A. Seltz (Translator)Spanish1
Christ is living! Gone with sorrow!Martin A. Seltz, b. 1951 (Translator)English2
Fueron mujueres al sepulcroMartin A. Seltz, b. 1951 (Translator)English, Spanish2
Fueron mujeres al sepulcro (Run, faithful women to the graveside)Martin A. Seltz (Translator)Spanish, English2
Tú diste a Israel, oh Dios, por gracia, libertad (God, with a mighty hand you saved the children of Israel)Martin A. Seltz (Translator)English, Spanish2
What God ordains is good indeedMartin A. Seltz, b. 1951 (Translator)English2
Cuando el pobre nada tiene y aun reparteMartin A. Seltz, b. 1951 (Translator)Spanish3
Mirad cuán bueno y cuán delicioso es Martin A. Seltz (Translator)Spanish3
Los pobres siempre esperan el amanecerMartin A. Seltz, siglo XX (Translator)Spanish6
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