Robert LeBlanc

Short Name: Robert LeBlanc
Full Name: LeBlanc, Robert, 1948-
Birth Year: 1948 does not have biographical information about this person.

Tunes by Robert LeBlanc (18)sort ascendingAsInstancesIncipit
[Truly we know our offences, Lord]RL (Composer (Antiphon))255434 5434
REVELATION (LeBlanc)Robert LeBlanc, b. 1948 (Composer)211232 17571 1243
REGINA CAELI (45456)Robert LeBlanc, OSB, b. 1948 (Arranger)445456 76576 54411
PARCE DOMINERobert LeBlanc, OSB, b. 1949 (Arranger (acc.))855544 35554 43333
[O Lord, hear my prayer, and let my cry come to you]RL (Composer)274217
[O Lord, come and save us]RL (Composer)356176 5
[Chant] (LeBlanc 12322)Robert LeBlanc (Composer)1312322 34321 1
[Lord, let your face shine on us]Robert LeBlanc (Composer (antiphon))2
[Let us sing to the Lord] (LeBlanc)RL (Composer)221223 4
[Jesus is the image of the unseen God]RL (Composer (Antiphon and tone))255456 67654 2
[I turn to you, O Lord, in time of trouble]RL (Composer)224346 17656 2
[I have called to you, Lord; hasten to help me] (Plainsong)Robert LeBlanc, OSB (Arranger)255465 43344 41332
[God, my Lord, is my strength]RC (Composer (Antiphon and Tone))353432
CONSUMMATION (Leblanc)Robert LeBlanc, b. 1948 (Composer)211232 17121 55123
[Christ, Son of the living God, have mercy on us]Robert LeBlanc (Composer)311712 31323 171
[Chant] (LeBlanc)Robert LeBlanc (Composer)317123 13231 71
AVE VERUMRobert LeBlanc, b. 1948 (Arranger)112312 14323 21712
[Ave Maria, gratia plena] (Gregorian)Robert LeBlanc, OSB, b. 1948 (Arranger)941226 76654 56665
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