D. A. Sandy Coverett

D. A. Sandy Coverett
Short Name: D. A. Sandy Coverett
Full Name: Coverett, D. A. Sandy, 1935-
Birth Year: 1935

Having been raised in a Bap­tist fam­i­ly in Galt, On­tar­io, Ca­na­da, Sandy mar­ried Els­peth (née Drink­wa­ter) of Pres­ton, On­tar­io, in 1963, and has two grown child­ren. Af­ter sev­er­al years in in­dus­try and man­age­ment po­si­tions, San­dy be­gan stu­dies for and train­ing in pas­tor­al min­is­try. Fol­low­ing a ser­ies of health prob­lems that pre­clud­ed con­tin­u­ing to­ward min­is­try as a vo­ca­tion, he felt led to be­come an el­e­ment­a­ry school teach­er, with a spe­cial af­fin­i­ty for "dif­fi­cult" stu­dents, both in se­gre­gat­ed class­rooms, and in the reg­u­lar class­es in the sys­tem. He de­vot­ed much time to Chris­tian camp­ing for child­ren and young peo­ple, as well as other in­volve­ment in church af­fairs. He as had a life-long love af­fair with the Eng­lish lan­guage, par­ti­cu­lar­ly po­e­try and the beau­ti­ful old hymn tunes of the church. As of 2006, he and his wife were liv­ing in Vic­tor­ia, Bri­tish Co­lum­bia. A self-de­scribed "word­smith," he en­joys writ­ing of any kind that serves a pur­pose, and al­so dab­bles with graph­ic arts for non­prof­it pur­pos­es.


Texts by D. A. Sandy Coverett (3)AsAuthority LanguagesInstancessort descending
At the end of life’s roadD. A. Sandy Coverett (Author)English2
For this New Year we humbly ask Your graceD. A. Sandy Coverett (Author)English2
This blessèd night we seek Your throneD. A. San­dy Cov­er­ett (Author)English2
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