Mary Jane Carr

Short Name: Mary Jane Carr
Full Name: Carr, Mary Jane, 1895-1988
Birth Year: 1895
Death Year: 1988

Wikipedia Biography

Mary Jane Carr (April 23, 1895 – January 4, 1988) was an American author. Carr wrote her first poem at the age of eight. While at high school, she relied on her writing to pay her way through school. She had a contract with Walt Disney. Other than poems and stories, she also published plays for children. She made a career in journalism, spending several years editing the newspapers for Catholic Sentinel. Her first book, Children of the Covered Wagon, was published in 1934. This novel would be filmed under the title Westward Ho the Wagons! (1956), through Walt Disney Productions. Young Mac of Fort Vancouver and Peggy and Paul and Laddy also contributed to her fame.

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