Editing Hymnology Online

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This isn't SOLELY, DIRECTLY related to editing hymnals, but some hymnal editors may be interested.

Distributed Proofreaders ( http://pgdp.net ) and Distributed-Proofreaders Canada ( http://www.pgdpcanada.net/ ) build carefully-proofed editions of all kinds of books for posting online. Among the books that have passed (or are passing) through there on the way to benefiting CCEL and the Hymnary are: Julian's Dictionary of Hymnology, The (Church of the Brethren) Otterbein Hymnal, and the 1906 classic English Hymnal.

Currently at DP-Canada and accessible to new proofers, is Louis Benson's "Hymnody of the Christian Church". Anyone interested in helping?

The more hymnophiles contribute at those two sites, the more full-text classics of hymnody or hymnology can be prepared. I've been reluctant to start new projects without a body of editors interested in them, but this may be a chance to build such a community at DP-Canada.

I'd be happy to discuss what books should be priorities, and ways to get them moving forward. And, of course, I do help out on the "back end" (getting the books ready for installation at CCEL and the Hymnary, as well as the Project Gutenberg sites.)


The CCEL has sent scans of many books to Distributed Proofreaders, but we don't have a liaison at the moment who lets us know when they have been completed. I didn't know that Julian's dictionary is completed. Where can I get it?

Harry Plantinga
CCEL Director

Julian isn't completed. The first of six parts in in the final phase of proofing (as is the English Hymnal--to include media files as well as text.)

I closely monitor hymnological content at DP-Int and DP-Canada: I will either let you know, or undertake the PP and/or conversion myself, for CCEL and/or Hymnary, as appropriate. I'm not down to PP Julian, but I'll definitely let you know when it's ready.

There are non-hymnic religious texts passing through DP; I don't watch those closely. It's also possible someone will directly contribute material to PG or PG-Canada without going through distributed proofreading: I might miss those.