Didn't know Philip Bliss wrote the Gospel of Matthew!

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What is the rationale behind giving Philip P. Bliss as the author of Matthew 7:7 ?


The link you gave should be for the anonymous song in Joy-Bells. The Bliss text is quite different, and should have its own authority. But without a copy of the other three hymnals in front of me, it's impossible for me to guess which authority they should have (or whether perhaps they are independent texts). In any case, I moved the Junior Hymns one eto the Joy-Bells authority, pending a look at the book in question. And I'm going to give Bliss's take on it its own authority.

Actually, what I did was to give Joy Bells' version its own authority, leaving the three uncertain ones together on Bliss's authority. ask_and_it_shall_be_given_seek_and_ye

I saw and would have jumped on that, but didn't have the time. 
