Where can I find hymn sheet music for Bb instruments?

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I am a pianist for my church and use some of the hymnals listed here. I would like to print out trumpet music for a trumpeter in my church to play along with me, but I need it in Bb. Where could I find free hymn printouts for him to match the keys I'm playing in? Thank you.


I have not seen a hymnal that has a Bb edition so we do not have any indexed. However, a trumpet player will want to have notes 1 step higher than the piano music. You can look under the Instances (turn on the column for Key) or Page Scans for the tune and see if there is one in a key 1 step higher. The page scans may be printed out for free. Otherwise, we sell FlexScores for $1.99 each, which may be transposed and also come in a Trumpet version.

Thank you. I will try that.