Process hymnal entry improvement...

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On the process hymnal screen for entering in text and author authorities, here are some requests for improvements:

  • I would find it helpful if the fields were about 50% wider to handle long first lines without cropping.
  • Since the text and author authority fields are usually quite similar to the info as printed in the hymnal, I think after the first line has been entered, an auto-suggest list of perhaps 5 choices max could be displayed to enable 1-click autofill of the text authority, and likewise with the author info.
  • The text authority field requires me to enter in the first line as printed (i.e., with spaces instead of underscores); it should convert underscores to spaces on the server side for matching purposes.
  • The text authority autosuggest results list displays the first line as printed instead of the authority id. That's fine, but I did run into a hiccup when the autosuggest showed two identical results for the line "When first I started to seek the Lord" -- only after I had selected one of them and the field had been filled with the actual authority identifier could I figure out it was not the one I wanted (when_first_i_started_to_seek_the_lord_de). So because entry doesn't allow underscores I had to erase the whole line and start over and select the other one (when_first_i_started_to_seek_the_lord_im). A clever programmer could come up with a way of showing the diff without needing to change the UI. The first idea that comes to mind is appending the authority diff in square brackets or parentheses like so:
    • When first I started to seek the Lord [de]
    • When first I started to seek the Lord [im]
