Where is the free sample?

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Looking at the PowerPoint projectable versions of hymns (which I haven't particularly paid any attention to heretofore, since I rarely run worship services), I see that virtually every one says "* Each song comes in 15 different formats. (See free sample)", but I cannot find a link to the "free sample". Where and what is it? What are the 15 formats?


We do not have the free sample available on our website. It is available on the Digital Songs and Hymns website.

But how does one get there? The user assumes that since it says hymnary.org at the top of the page it's your website... I'm a user, I made that assump0tion. And I don't see how to get from here to there, there being where the free sample lives. The constant references to the free sample (for example here) are on your site's store, and do not offer a link that leads to the sample, regardless of where it is hosted. I suspect this is costing you sales. I know I won't buy one till I've seen the free sample.