ESPINTND wiped out - not sure why

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I was uploading the spreadsheet for ESPINTND, and got this result: [screenshot]. Two wipeouts in two days, a bit discouraging. The RoA2002 problem fixed itself later. Will try this tomorrow and see if it too was a momentary glitch.


The error message says something about an unknown column "name". Before you retry, I recommend that you check your column headings to make sure they say "Text Person Name" or "Tune Person Name". It may also have been a momentary glitch. Let us know if you continue to have problems.

I don't see a heading "Name"; in addition to the two you mentioned I also see "Tune Name", which sounds right. Will now proceed to try to upload it again.

I successfully, I am told, uploaded the spreadsheet ESPINTND.xml to; would you or one of your techies be able to install it properly at Espero Internacia?

This was caused by bugs in the upload process that were triggered by the use of the "Tune Group" column. I guess nobody has used this column until now? Also, I see that only the first two tunes have a value for that column ("TRAINING_198315Haruo") - was that intentional? Anyway, please try your upload again.

I deleted the contents of the Tune Group column - no idea why they had that Training identifier, though at the time I first did this spreadsheet I had only just graduated from the Training regimen. Then I successfully uploaded the spreadsheet. All is well.