I Gave my Life for Thee vs. Thy Life Was Given for Me

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There are two text authorities (i_gave_my_life_for_thee with 415 instances and thy_life_was_given_for_me with 127 instances) for what I am pretty sure is a single hymn that exists in two rather different forms. I'm guessing there is a quasi-theological basis for the difference, perhaps some hymnal editors were uncomfortable with having congregations sing so blatantly in the voce Dei or something. But the "Thy...me" version, which I take to be secondary, usually has a second stanza (of five) that is missing from the original "I...thee" version.

Anyhow, unless someone gives a strong argument against this, I'm going at some point to merge the two under the "I...thee" version.

If they are not merged, then each should have a prominent link to the other; I will supply this right now.