We Thank Thee, Lord

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The text authority we_thank_thee_lord, when I looked at it this morning, appeared to have four distinct hymns' instances mixed together. Of the total of 33 instances, 29 were apparently the 1919 Laufer text, which I have renamed we_thank_thee_lord_thy_paths. Two instances (1870 & 1872) I renamed (incorrectly, since I don't know what word follows "Lord" in their first lines) we_thank_thee_lord_over (from the title "Over in the promised land"). One instance (1952) shows Lois Lenski (a childhood favorite author of mine whose name I probably hadn't thought of in 40 years) as the author; don't know what her full first line was, so I renamed it we_thank_thee_lord_lenski. The last instance (actually the first in the original instances list) shows "When we pray" as the title. From its date (1955) and the fact that it is for children, it may be the same as the Lenski text, but I'd have to see it to know for sure, so I left it under the undifferentiated ID we_thank_thee_lord. It would be well if someone with access to any of the hymnals containing the non-Laufer texts could change the ID of the hymn in question to reflect the correct word or words following "Lord" in the first line, and if the 1955 text turns out to be the same as the 1952, then merge the two. I'm putting a "see also" link under the undifferentiated one so if anybody lands there in pursuit of Laufer they'll have a clue.
