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having trouble with downloading XML files. Everytime I download one it is saved to my desktop (Mac OSX 10.5.8) as a .mxl file. WHAT DO I DO???????????

Lance Harris
Director of Music Ministries
Community Presbyterian Church
Louisville, KY


I don't know much about Macs, but what I do when my PC saves them with a wrong extension is just edit the extension to read .xml, and when it saves them with an added extension, I simply remove the addition (i.e. sometimes they save as abcdefg.xls, in which case I the change the "ls" to "ml" and then they work fine; other times, they save as abcdefg.xml.xls, in which case I just delete the ".xls" part and then they work fine). As I say, I don't know if your Mac will let you do this. I also don't know why my PC insists on (often but not always) doing this.

The .mxl files are best used with the free MuseScore program. Google it, download it, and install it. Then the files should open automatically for you.