Old 104th or Old Hundred-Fourth?

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I notice there are tune authorities called

old_hundredth_bourgeois - 219 instances ("hymnals" is probably too strong a term)
old_hundred_fourth - 2 instances
old_104th - 11 instances
old_107th_bourgeois - 6 instances
old_hundred_seventh - 2 instances

The second and third, and the fourth and fifth, appear to be pairs of identical tunes, but I am not at all sure in which direction(s) to merge them. Do we prefer numerals or spelled-out numbers, and do we prefer adding "_bourgeois" anywhere he may have been involved, or sparingly? And if we follow the consensus and go with Old 104th and Old 107th, then ought we not consistently move Old Hundredth to Old 100th? Or is that the foolish consistency Emerson spoke of?


There is not a consistency. Most hymnals have OLD 100TH spelled out OLD HUNDREDTH, so that is the authority. The other tunes are mostly OLD 104TH and OLD 107TH. I've merged these.