Full text tab of hymnal data spreadsheets, no line breaks

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When I download an entire hymnal as a spreadsheet, make changes, and upload, the full text line breaks get lost. In the spreadsheets even when the s are present once a hymnal is uploaded as an entire hymnal data spreadsheet, there will not be any line breaks. If I then download it again, the s are there, but the only way to get the line breaks into Hymnary again is to upload it as a full text spreadsheet separately from the four tabbed version.


When uploading full texts from a spreadsheet it is necessary to include an html (line break) tag after the lines so the program knows where the breaks are. I think it can be done easily in a word processing program "find and replace" for the Enter character. I find it easier to copy and paste the text into the hymn after it is uploaded.

OK, that explains the hymnal I was working with, but now I've downloaded another hymnal (the Trintity Hymnal) as a spreadsheet and there are no line break tags of any kind in the text tab. I want to make changes to another tab and upload, but I'm afraid I'll lose the line breaks. I have no way to find and replace because there are no line break tabs, and if I copy to a word processor there are no breaks either.

Instead of downloading and re-uploading the hymnal, I would go in and edit the hymnal information directly.

...in connection with A New Hymnal for Colleges and Schools #1, where I want to input just the first lines and tune names in a spreadsheet (the rest of the details can be filled in later), but where there is already an extensive Full Text which will lose its line breaks if I upload my work product. My solution is, before downloading the spreadsheet, to go into the Text Edit area and copy the Full Text, and paste it into Notepad. Then after uploading, I go back to the Full Text field, highlight the line-breakless content, and paste the contents of Notepad over it. This restores the status quo ante in the Full Text. This works well in the case of this particular hymnal, because there is only one hymn with Full Text. If many or most of the hymns had Full Text this could become very inefficient (though it could still work, and would probably still be faster than reinserting the line breaks by hand.

However, in the case of this particular hymn, I am wondering if it might not be preferable to go to a
/ = line break
|| = stanza break
convention, since there is such a long Full Text (28 four-line stanzas!) that I have to scroll down five times to get beyond it! Would this be permissible? It would be preserved in the case of spreadsheet reloading.