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I have found a copy of John Brownlie's (earlier and apparently uncommon) "Hymns of the Early Church". I plan to run it through DP to produce a version for Project Gutenberg, CCEL, and Hymnary. But while looking for other online versions I came back to the Hymnary version of the LATER "Hymns of the Early Church" which draws on my text-only CCEL version.

I didn't provide page scans--someone else went back and linked the CCEL text to page scans from somewhere. (No matter who or where, those page scans are widely available.)

But page scans for The Earlier Hymns of the Early Church aren't available anywhere online yet, so far as I can see. So I should provide them also. What's the best way of doing that?


The images need to be in a zip file. Then you can upload them from a link in the editor tools of the hymnal. If you email me after they are uploaded, I will attach them; or, you can attach them yourself. It is pretty straight forward.

Alternatively, any one is able to make an account and add a book to Internet Archive. Then, after the book is added, download the zip file, and upload it into Hymnary.

Let me know if you have any questions.