When I search for "In age and feebleness extreme"

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When I search for "In age and feebleness extreme", two results come up. The first, "In age and feebleness extreme", yields a normal text entry showing 38 instances of this Wesley text. The second, however, "In age and feebleness extreme, Who", yields 31,999 instances headed "~Unconnected~ › Instances". What??

I was mainly checking to see if any tunes were associated with the text. (We'll be singing it to VALE (Buckingham) a week from Sunday at Evergreen Hymn-Sing #6.)


Sorry about the confusion. The second text has an unconnected authority due to our attempts to quickly add page scans and hymnals to the site. You can only see these if you're logged in and we will be working to connect these over the summer.