Lift every voice and sing

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The song "Lift every voice and sing" was written in 1900, but not included in hymnals until the National Baptist Hymnal of 1977. Sheet music has been identified as early as 1921. In the Handbook to the 1991 Baptist Hymnal, Dr. McElrath claimed that the song had been pasted in hymnals and songbooks for many years. I am trying to locate an instance of such a pasted insert, ideally in a hymnal printed before 1920, which to me would suggest the National Baptist Hymnal (1903) or the A.M.E. Hymnal (AMEH1904).

For anyone who reads this, please take a quick look through your hymnal collection to see if you have this.


Chris Fenner
Music Library
The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Louisville, KY


FYI, I haven't found any pasted hymnal inserts, but found a 1900 edition of "Lift Every Voice and Sing" held at the British Library, published by Jos. W. Stern & Co. (which became the Edward B. Marks Co. ca. 1920 after Stern retired).

Chris Fenner