When was "The Savior Lives No More to Die" written?

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Trying to find out the year that "The Savior Lives No More to Die" by Samuel Medley was written. It was extremely helpful to find all the hymnals where it has been published. The closest thing to an original date was in the information listed for this song in Hymnal and Liturgies of the Moravian Church #138. (http://www.hymnary.org/hymn/HLMC1969/138) I'm assuming the date in parenthesis (1775) on that page is when the hymn was thought to be written.


Your interpretation of the parenthesized date is probably right, but if you're assuming hymnary.org has a list of "all" the hymnals where this hymn has been published, you're overstepping the facts. This site has the most comprehensive such list anywhere, but it only approaches completeness for older American hymnals. Medley was English, and doubtless a large number of his hymns' appearances have been in British and Imperial/Commonwealth hymnals that have not been indexed (yet) here.


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