A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns)

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
597Jehovah, the Saviour, appearsText
598Peculiar are the saintsText
599Ye sons of God, be wiseText
600Truth and mercy meet togetherText
601What, then! shall Christians sinText
602Jesus the Author isText
603Faith! 'tis a grace divineText
604Why should a pilgrim grope withinText
605The just by faith shall liveText
606Let saints lift up their heartsText
607Rejoice, ye saints, rejoiceText
608Ye souls, redeem'd with bloodText
609Lord, we fain would walk in loveText
610Precious Jesus! Friend of sinners!Text
611Lord, I freely would confessText
612In every believer two armies are seenText
613A helpless worm am IText
614The Lord the righteous triesText
615Sinners, call'd by grace, and blessedText
616Precious Jesus! must it beText
617The new man and the oldText
618The path that Christians treadText
619Creatures are but vain at bestText
620Sin has a thousand pleasing charmsText
621The carnal mind takes different waysText
622Poor fearful saint, be not dismay'dText
623Whom the Lord Jehovah lovesText
624The Lord Jehovah isText
625God is a Father, just and wiseText
626Sinners, wno on Jesus restText
627Poor sinner, dejected with fearText
628My soul shall with wonder proclaimText
629The Lord will feed the poorText
630What foolish worms are we!Text
631The Lord himself be with you allText
632Whoever in Jesus believes
633The love of Christ is rich and freeText
634When saints together meetText
635The body, the church, ever stoodText
636The Sabbath was a day of restText
637Jesus, thou art our only restText
638With sin and guilt poor Zion toilsText
639Return to thy rest, my soul, and rejoiceText
640Blessed Jesus, Lord of allText
641Jesus, mighty God and Saviour
642Once more, dear God of graceText
643Again, dear Lord, we would be fedText
644Watch, watch and be sober, ye children of GodText
645Dangerous is the path we goText
646Great God! whose universal powerText
647When will the happy moment comeText
648With wonder and with loveText
649Precious Jesus! here we areText
650Jesus, we thy name adoreText
651Jesus, our exalted SaviourText
652Jesus, our Lord and KingText
653Of one Lord will we singText
654We adore the Lord, the LambText
655Jesus, the Lord, enthroned on highText
656Precious Jesus! we adore theeText
657Tuned with love divine, we singText
658Mighty King, thy power displayText
659The Lord my Saviour isText
660With wondering eyes, Lord, we admireText
661Once more, little children, we are comeText
662O the matchless love of GodText
663Beloved, we are comeText
664What solemn tidings reach our earsText
665Grace taught our friends to knowText
666With great and awful powerText
667Immortal honours rest on Jesus' headText
668Jehovah God! eternal Lord most high!Text
669Poor sinners, sunk in sin's tremendous cellText
670United to Jesus, the vineText
671How shall I come to theeText
672Jesus, I long for theeText
673When Jesus' gracius handText
674How sinners vaunt of powerText
675Come boldly to a throne of graceText
676O could I lift this heart of mineText
677Behold, dear Lord, we come againText
678There's not a man that's born of GodText
679Come, thou almighty ComforterText
680Before all worlds the glorious planText
681Blessed are they whose guilt is goneText
682While Jesus whispers peaceText
683Great God! thy kingdom comeText
684Of cistern waters art thou sickText
685When Noah, with his favour'd fewText
686Jesus, cast a look on meText
687Ye broken hearts all, who cry out "Unclean"Text
688Ye that pass by behold the Man!Text
689On the wings of faith uprisingText
690On wings of love the Saviour fliesText
691All outward means, till God appearsText
692If Solomon for wisdom pray'dText
693Lord, let me feel the unction of thy loveText
694Lord, direct thy own-sent servantText
695Blessed Comforter, appearText
696Within these walls, dear lordText

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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