Small Church Music

Let us be your Church musician
The SmallChurchMusic site was launched in 2006, growing out of the requests from those struggling to provide suitable music for their services and meetings.
Rev. Clyde McLennan was ordained in mid 1960’s and was a pastor in many small Australian country areas, and therefore was acutely aware of this music problem. Having also been trained as a Pipe Organist, recordings on site (which are a subset of the site) are all actually played by Clyde, and also include piano and piano with organ versions.
All recordings are in MP3 format. Churches all around the world use the recordings, with downloads averaging over 60,000 per month.
The recordings normally have an introduction, several verses and a slowdown on the last verse. Users are encouraged to use software: Audacity ( or Song Surgeon ( (see for more information) to adjust the MP3 number of verses, tempo and pitch to suit their local needs.

Copyright notice: Rev. Clyde McLennan, performer in this collection, has assigned his performer rights in this collection to Non-commercial use of these recordings is permitted. For permission to use them for any other purposes, please contact


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Performer: Clyde McLennan
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
5714枯乾的骸骨阿 (O ye dry bones)[O ye dry bones]Audio
5715得勝靠耶穌 (O Victory in Jesus)[O Victory in Jesus]Audio
5716站住,你當為主站住 (Stand up for Jesus, Christian, Stand!)[Stand up for Jesus] (Hull)Audio
5718從軍的教會 (The Cross of Jesus leads us on)[The Cross of Jesus leads us on]Audio
5719親愛基督精兵 (Soldier, soldier, fighting)[Soldier soldier fighting]Audio
5721與主同葬 (Buried with Christ)[Buried with Christ](Ryder)Audio
5734阿爸,我們進前來 (Abba, Father, we approach Thee)[Abba Father we approach Thee] (Haydn)Audio
5735主舉愛旗遮蓋我們 (Jesus spreads His banner over us)[Jesus spreads His banner over us]Audio
5737救主,我們恩祢話 (Blessed Jesus, at Thy word)[Blessed Jesus at Thy word]Audio
5738愛的神阿,在祢座前 (O God of love to Thee we bow)[O God of love to Thee we bow]Audio
5744你要痊癒麼? (Hear the footsteps of Jesus)[Hear the footsteps of Jesus]Audio
5745只一摸 (Just one touch as he moves along)[Just one touch as he moves along]Audio
5750身體得生命 (Life for the body)[Life for the body]Audio
5751睡罷﹗親愛 (Dear sleeper awake)[Dear sleeper awake]Audio
5752讓我們重起首 (Come, let us anew)[Come let us anew]Audio
5780歌頌基督救世 (Christ for the world we sing)KIRBY BEDONAudio
5781救恩善牧 (Gracious Lord, our Shepherd and Salvation)COVENANTAudio
5809耶穌奇妙的主 (Born among cattle in poverty sore)TRISHAGION (Eastern Church)Audio
5817主必快來 (In these, the closing days of time)LILIUOKALANIAudio
5818耶穌在榮耀中再來 (Jesus comes, He comes in glory)THE HOPE OF THE AGESAudio
5819Holy Spirit, while we bendCELESTIAL DOVEAudio
5834虔守聖日 (Come, let us with our Lord arise)READINGAudio
5835水禮歌 (Buried in baptism with our Lord)WARDAudio
5863念主愛 (Sweet the moments, rich in blessing)IPHIGENIAAudio
5866賜下奮興 (Heavenly Father, we Thy children)SEND REFRESHINGAudio
5882Speed Thy servantsDISMISSALAudio
5883要速發光 (To the millions )[To the millions ]Audio
5884我知誰掌管前途 (I know who holds the future)[I know who holds the future]TextAudio
5885一生在神手中 (My times are in Thy hand)FERGUSONAudio
5887主為我預備道路 (I know the Lord will make a way for me)[I know the Lord will make a way for me]Audio
5907真神永遠膀臂 (Art thou sunk in depths)[Art thou sunk in depths]Audio
5937主,我願忠心於你 (Jesus, I Would Faithful Be)[Jesus I Would Faithful Be]Audio
5956迦勒看見主 (Others saw the giants)[Others saw the giants]Audio
5957開到水深之處 (The mercy of God is an ocean)[The mercy of God is an ocean]Audio
5959時刻近主 (Saviour, more than life to me)Saviour more than life to me]Audio
5978我原是迷路羊 (I Was a Wand'ring Sheep)LEBANONAudio
5979罪皆脫落 (Rolled Away)[Rolled Away]Audio
5982儆醒禱告 (Christian, Seek Not Yet Repose)VIGILATEAudio
6007求主赦免 (If I have wounded any soul today)EVENING PRAYERAudio
6009醫治恩隆 (Lord, Send Thy Blessing)WINDSORAudio
6016完全的奉獻 (Fully surrendered)[Fully surrendered]Audio
6017我拿甚麼獻給你 (What Shall I Give Thee, Master)[What Shall I Give Thee Master]Audio
6018全人事主 (Strengthen for Service, Lord, the Hands)BURGAudio
6029活著為耶穌 (Living for Jesus, O what peace)[Living for Jesus O what peace]Audio
6030事主蒙福 (The service of Jesus true pleasure)[The service of Jesus true pleasure]Audio
6036夜霧已散 (Shades of darkness are now dispersed)SHANSIAudio
6050孝親歌 (Honour Your Father and Mother)FILIAL PIETYAudio
6052天父的聲音 (There is a voice )LAND OF RESTAudio
6066孩童獻真誠 (The Wise May Bring Their Learning)ELLONAudio
6067主耶穌真奇妙 (Isn't He Wonderful)[Isn't He Wonderful]Audio
6068求父賜福歌 (Father, Give Thy Benediction)ALLA TRINITA BEATAAudio
6071祝福 (May the Grace of Christ Our Saviour)GOTT DES HIMMELSAudio
6072跟從主 (Tis so sweet to walk with Jesus)[Tis so sweet to walk with Jesus]Audio
6092上主在他的聖殿中 (The Lord Is In His Temple)[The Lord Is In His Holy Temple]TextAudio
6094萬國啊 (Praise the Lord, all ye nations)[Praise the Lord all ye nations](Chinese)TextAudio
6113明星燦爛 (Midnight sleeping Bethlehem)[Midnight sleeping Bethlehem]Audio
6126向前走 (March on forward, press on for the Lord)[March on forward press on for the Lord]Audio
6127哈利路亞 (Hallelu, hallelu, hallelu)[Hallelu hallelu hallelu]Audio
6128主恩更多 (Oh, what a wonderful Saviour)[Oh what a wonderful Saviour]Audio
6137大山可以挪移 (The mountains shall depart)[The mountains shall depart]TextAudio
6142慈悲圣父歌 (Heavenly Lord of mercy and power)MENG JIANG NUAudio
6143万福之源歌 (Praise God from whom all blessings flow)USANI (Tamil, India)Audio
6144赞主权能歌 (Give thanks to God most high)LISCHER (DAS LIEBEN BRINGT GROß FREUD)Audio
6160尊主歌 (Jesus full of grace)HUBBARDAudio
6173耶稣美名歌 (Fair and Holy Jesus Name!)JASMINEAudio
6174慈仁圣灵歌 (Gracious Spirit, dwell with me!)PALGRAVEAudio
6175生命活水歌 (I have reached the fountain) [I have reached the fountain]Audio
6195圣灵歌 (May the Holy Spirit's sword)RU MENG LINGAudio
6196圣灵光照歌 (Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove)DWELL WITHIN (BERA)Audio
6209圣灵来到歌 (I will pray the Father, Jesus said)HE HAS COMEAudio
6210主行新事歌 (Thirsty men don't need to sigh again)HORTONAudio
6215欢乐佳音歌 (Joyful tidings bring, one and all)[Joyful tidings bring one and all]Audio
6233扬声赞美歌 (Sing it out with a shout)[Sing it out with a shout]Audio
6234我有主耶稣歌 (My heart looks in faith)SONG OF THE YANG-ZE BOATMANAudio
6254耶稣升天歌 (Behold, there came a cloud so bright)ASCENSION (Wu)Audio
6267将见我王歌 (Tho' the way we journey maybe)[Tho' the way we journey maybe]Audio
6297中华教会自立歌 (Our church now is self reliant)[Our church now is self reliant]Audio
6298信徒相爱歌 (Brothers, sisters we are called by God)CHRISTIAN LOVEAudio
6351慈愛與憐憫 (Love is Your name, dear God)EISENACHAudio
6353天使向童貞女顯現 (To a virgin meek and mild)LO DESEMBRE CONGELATAudio
5764全能大主宰 (O God, Thou art the Father)DURROWAudio
5810橄欖山頭 (Tis midnight, and on Olive's brow)EASTERTIME (SANDYS)Audio
6370主愛小孩 (Jesus loved each little child)CECILIAAudio
6441朋友,平安 (Shalom, my friends, shalom)SHALOM CHAVERIMAudio
6494仁慈真神,我們天上父 (God of mercy, Father in heaven)CHU TAO WENAudio
6956我愛主 (Gone from my heart)OLD BLACK JOEAudio
6896Hogyne dicsérném az Istent (Praising God)[Praising God](Hungarian)Audio
6853Pimpin aku Ya Gembala (Shepherd divine, thou leadest me)WINTERBOURNEAudio
6860Jika di Laut Tenang (If you want joy)SELVINAudio
7063Jeso Tompo manan-kery (Mighty Lord Jesu)[Mighty Lord Jesu]Audio
6272Yaƙi 'na nan, yaƙi na Almasihu ne (The fight is on, the trumpet sounded)[The fight is on the trumpet sounded]Audio
5925Tun da far-kon hasken safe (Ere you left your room this morning)DID YOU THINK TO PRAYAudio
6027Yesu Ubangijinmu yana gun Uba yanzu (Jesus calls the children dear)TRAMP TRAMPAudio
6028Yesu yana zuwa, lalle yana zuwa (There's a great day coming)[There's a great day coming]Audio
6293Duniyan nan ba gaskiya, duniya tana wucewa (Here we suffer grief and pain)JOYFULAudio
6302Akwai gidan zamana cikin birnin Allah (In the land of fadeless day)NO NIGHT THEREAudio
6839Mu za mu je shaida shiHERE WE GO ROUNDAudio
6840Na sami ƙaunar Allah wurin YesuI'VE GOT THE JOYAudio
6845Dā da wani yaro, sunansa Dawuda ne (Only a boy named David)ONLY A BOYAudio
6847Zo gun Yesu, zo gun YesuFRERE JACQUESAudio

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
Suggestions or corrections? Contact us