The Ordinary of the Mass and a Complete Manual of Hymns for Parochial Schools

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d201Life on earth is all a warfare
d202Lift thy hand, O mother Mary
d203Lift up, ye princes of the sky
d204Like a strong and raging fire
d205Like the voiceless starlight falling
d206Like to amber glows the west
d207List, sweet mother, soft notes breaking
d208Listen to the heart of Jesus
d209Little flower of Carmel
d210Little flower, spending heaven
d211Little hidden flower of Jesus
d212Little King, so fair and sweet
d213Lo on our dear little altar
d214Lo tis the hour by heaven's will
d215Long live the pope his praises sound
d216Look down O mother Mary
d217Look from the sky and bless me
d218Lord, by Thy prayer in agony
d219Lord, for tomorrow and its need [needs] [ills]
d220Loved mother at thy shrine we place
d221Lovely lady dressed in blue
d222Loving Shepherd of thy sheep
d223Maiden mother, meek and mild
d224Mary, hear my fervent prayer
d225Mary! How sweetly falls the name
d226Mary, O, turn thine eyes upon us
d227Mary, our mother, look on from high
d228Mary, our mother, thy praises we sing
d229Mary, queen of all the May
d230Mary, sweet mother, look from on high
d231Mary, unto thee I call
d232Mater amabilis, ora pro nobis
d233Mother all beautiful, hear us today
d234Mother, at your feet is kneeling
d235Mother by the little Savior's
d236Mother dear, O pray for me
d237Mother dearest, mother fairest
d238Mother, from thy heavenly throne
d239Mother, into my heart today Christ came
d240Mother Mary, ah, how blissful
d241Mother Mary, at thine altar We thy loving children kneel
d242Mother, Mother, I am coming home to Jesus and
d243Mother of all that is pure and glad
d244Mother of Christ, Mother of Christ
d245Mother of God, my hope, my life
d246Mother of God, we hail thy heart
d247Mother of Mercy, day by day, my love of thee grows more
d248Mother of perpetual help
d249Mother of the Infant Jesus, look
d250Mother of the Infant Jesus, Won't
d251Mother of the sweet child Jesus
d252Mother, our hearts are rejoicing
d253Mother so tender, throned in thy
d254Mother, the beatings of my heart
d255Mother, upon my lips today
d256Mother, we pray to Christ the way
d257My child, give, O give me thy heart
d258My God [O God], accept my [our] heart [hearts] this day
d259My Jesus from His throne above
d260My Jesus! Say what wretch has dared
d261My Lord and my God, O Jesu
d262My soul is an altar, all spotless
d263My way to heaven is on the deep
d264Mystery of love, whose depths divine
d265Night folds her starry curtains round
d266Now the livelong day is done
d267O blessed Saint Joseph, how [so] great was thy worth
d268O blest forever [fore'er] the mother
d269O come, all ye faithful, Joyful and triumphant
d270O come and mourn with me awhile
d271O come, Creator Spirit, come, Vouchsafe
d272O come, O come, Emmanuel [Immanuel], And ransom
d273O, day of our dear mother
d274O dearest Lord, 'tis evening now
d275O dearest Lord, we humbly crave
d276O dearest Love divine, my heart to Thee
d277O fairest of all visions
d278O faithful cross, O noblest tree
d279O, father Saint Francis, we kneel
d280O Food the pilgrim needeth
d281O fount of love, O Sacred Heart
d282O glorious St. Joseph, our patron
d283O God of loveliness
d284O God, thou art the object of my love
d285O great Saint Anthony, we praise thee
d286O heart of Jesus, burning still
d287O heart of Jesus, heart of God, O source of boundless love
d288O heart of Jesus, our dearest treasure
d289O heart of Jesus, pierced for me
d290O heart of Jesus, purest heart
d291O Holy Ghost thou Comforter
d292O holy guardian angel
d293O holy martyr spotless dove
d294O holy name of majesty and power
d295O holy night the stars are brightly shining
d296O holy Saint Joseph in thee we confide
d297O how I love my mother Mary
d298O Jesu, life springing of the soul
d299O Jesus Christ, remember when thou shalt come again
d300O Jesus dear, thy sacred heart

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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