Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
668In Christ there is no east or west (Ni oriente ni occidente hay)MCKEETextAudio
669We are one in the Spirit (Somos uno en espíritu)ST. BRENDAN'S
670Somos uno en Cristo, somos uno (We are all one in Christ, we are one body)SOMOS UNO
671God of all, we look to you (Oh Señor, queremos ser)[God of all, we look to you]
672¡Miren qué bueno es cuando los hermanos están juntos! (How good it is when brothers dwell in peace with one another)[Miren qué bueno es cuando los hermanos están juntos]Page Scan
673Many are the lightbeams from the one light (Muchos resplandores, sólo una luz)TJÄNSTERNA
674Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ (Jesucristo ayer, Jesucristo hoy)[Jesus Christ, Jesus Christ]
675Qué bueno es estar en tu casa (What joy to come into your household)[Qué bueno es estar en tu casa]
676Somos la Iglesia peregrina que él fundó (We are the pilgrim Church established by our Lord)[Somos la Iglesia peregrina que él fundó]
677Diverse in culture, nation, race (De raza, cuna, de nación)TALLIS' CANNON
678Hoy me levanto muy temprano (I will rise in the early morning)[Hoy me levanto muy temprano]
679Al sagrado altar nos guíen (To the altar of salvation)[Al sagrado altar nos guíen]
680Venid, entremos todos dando gracias (O come and let us enter with thanksgiving)[Venid, entremos todos dando gracias]
681Let us build a house where love can dwell (Construyamos hoy un gran hogar)TWO OAKS
682All people that on earth do dwell (Oh pueblos todos alabad)OLD HUNDREDTH
683Un largo caminar (The road ahead is long)MY LORD, WHAT A MORNING
684All who hunger, gather gladly (Los hambrientos, que se alegren)HOLY MANNA
685As we gather at your table (Al reunirnos en tu mesa)NETTLETONPage Scan
686Somos pueblo que camino (Welcome, pilgrims on the journey)SOMOS PUEBLO
687Here in this place new light is streaming (Este lugar, ¿ya ves cómo brilla?)GATHER US IN
688Jerusalén está fundada (Jerusalem, built as a city)[Jerusalén está fundada]
689La luz de un nuevo día (The dawn of each new morning)[La luz de un nuevo día]
690Prepare a room for me (Un cuarto para mí)PLUM FESTE
691Like the child whose fishes and loaves (Quién le puede dar de comer)[Like the child whose fishes and loaves]
692Vienen trayendo la esperanza (We bring the hopes and firm believing)[Vienen trayendo la esperanza]
693This day God gives me (En este día)BUNESSAN
694Dios está aquí (God is here today)DIOS ESTÁ AQUI
695Cantemos al Señor (To you, O God, we sing)ROSAS
696Gracias por el amor del cielo (Thank you for sending love from heaven)[Gracias por el amor del cielo]
697Now it is evening (Ya se oscurece)EVENING HYMNPage Scan
698God of day and God of darkness (Dios de luz y de penumbra)BEACH SPRING
699Come, you thankful people come (Elevemos al Creador)ST. GEORGE'S WINDSOR
700Praise and thanksgiving (Te damos gracias)BUNESSAN
701You will hear the trumpet sound (La trompeta sonará)MY LORD WHAT A MORNING
702Cuán gloriosa será la mañana (O how glorious will be that great morning)[Cuán gloriosa será la mañana]
703Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord (Ya alcanzo aver la gloria del adviento del Señor)BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC
704Soon and very soon we are goin' to see the King (Pronto, pronto, sí, nos veremos con el Rey)SOON AND VERY SOON
705Jerusalem, my happy home (Jerusalén hogar feliz)LAND OF RESTPage Scan
706Jesus, remember me (Jesús, recuérdame) (Jezu, w królestwie Twym)[Jesus, remember me]
707Hay un Río que fluye sincesar (There's a river that endlessly will flow)WAIWAI
708Shall we gather at the river (os veremos junto al río)HANSON PLACE
709Ave Maria, gratia plenaAVE MARIA
710Como estrella en claro cielo (As a star on cloudless evenings)RAQUEL
711Mientras recorres la vida (Trav'ling on life's daily journey)[Mientras recorres la vida]
712You were chosen by the Father (Dios, el Padre, te escogió)[You were chosen by the father]
713O sanctissima (O most holy one) (Oh santísima)O DU FRÖLICHE
714Buenos días, Paloma Blanca (Fairest Dove, most lovely maiden)[Buenos días, Paloma Blanca]
715Con el ángel de María (With the angel who once hailed you)[Con el ángel de María]
716Santa Madre de gracia (Mary full of divine grace)[Santa madre de gracia]
717De tu divino rostro (The time has come to leave you)[De tu divino rostro]
718How good, Lord, to be here! (Es bueno estar aquí)SWABIA
719Salve Regína (Hail queen of Heaven) (Salve, oh Reina)SALVE REGINA
720Hail, holy Queen enthroned above (Salve, Reina, Madre del Señor)SALVE REGINA COELITUMPage Scan
721Come, Christians, follow where our Savior trod (Vamos, cristianos, tras nuestro Señor)CRUCIFERTextPage Scan
722Canta fuerte, lengua mía (Sing, My Tongue, the Glorious Battle)PICARDY
723When I survey the wondrous cross (La cruz excelsa al contemplar)HAMBURGPage Scan
724For all the saints, who from their labors rest (Hoy, por los santos que descansan ya)SINE NOMINE
725Ye watchers and ye holy ones (Gloriosos ángeles, alzad)LASST UNS ERFREUENPage Scan
726Immaculate Mary, your praises we sing (Del cielo habajado la Madre de Dios)LOURDES HYMN
727Suplicante juntaba las manos (She was clasping her hands, softly praying)APARACIONES GUADALUPANAS
728Oh Virgen, la más hermosa (Blessed Virgin, O most lovely)[Oh Virgen, la más hermosa]
729Como el ciervo ansioso brama (As a deer in want of water)LAGRIMAS AMARGAS
730Spirit of the Living God (Ven, Espíritu de Dios)IVERSON
731There is one Lord (Hay un Señor)[There is one Lord]
732O breathe on me, O breath of God (Espíritu Consolador)ST. COLUMBA
733Baptized in water (Ya bautizados)BUNESSANPage Scan
734Blest by God, who chose you in Christ (Elegidos por Dios en Jesucristo)[Blest by God, who chose you in Christ]
735"De tu cántaro dame, dame tú de beber" (The Samaritan woman drawing water that day)SAMARITANA
736Vengan, hambrientos, vengan, sedientos (Come, you hungry, come, you thirsty)[Vengan hambrientos, vengan sedientos]
737Hemos sido bautizados (All those baptized with your Spirit)[Hemos sido bautizados]
738Somos bautizados, somos renovados (Through baptismal waters, we have found renewal)[Somos buatizados, somos renovados]
739Una sala y una mesa (In one room, and at one table)DONE HAY CARIDAD
740Here, a million wounded souls (Almas llenas de dolor)[Here, a million wounded souls]
741I will bless the Lord at all times (BEndigo al Señor en todo momento)[I will bless the Lord at all times]
742I come with joy, a child of God (Con gozo vengo, hijola soy)DOVE OF PEACEPage Scan
743Amén, We remember your dying and your rising[Amén, We remember your dying and your rising]
744Alleluia! Sing to Jesus! (¡Aleluya! Gloria a Cristo)HYFRYDOL
745Jesus says: I am the Bread (Dice Jesús: Yo soy el Pan)LIVING GOD
746A ti acudimos sedientos: ¡Ven Señor! (We thirst for lifegiving water: Come, O Lord)PANAMA
747Con cinco panes y peces (Jesus took five loaves and broke them)[Con cinco panes y peces]
748Eat this bread, drink this cup (Coman de este pan, beban de este cáliz)[Eat this bread, drink this cup]
749Our only source of unity: Jesus Christ (La fuente de la unidad es Jesús)ST. LUCIA
750I am the Bread of life (Yo soy el pan de Vida)BREAD OF LIFE
751Racimo y trigal (From wheat field and vine)[Racimo y trigal]
752I am the bread of life (Yo soy el Pan de Vida)[I am the bread of life]
753Bread for the journey (Pan para el viaje)[Bread for the journey]
754Como el trigo de los campos (As the fields of wheat, turned golden)OFERTORIO NICARAGÜENSE
755Shepherd of souls, refresh and bless (A tu rebaño, buen Pastor)ST. AGNES
756Gentile or Jew (Siervo y Señor)ONE BREAD, ONE BODY
757I am the word that spoke and light was made (Yo soy el Verbo que creó la luz)CORPUS DOMINI
758Somos el templo de Dios (We are the dwelling of God)[Somos el templo de Dios]
759Señor, Señor, Señor, gracias te damos (We thank you, Lord, for calling us together)TE DEN GRACIAS
760Una espiga dorada por el sol (From the wheat fields now basking in the sun)[Una espiga dorada por el sol]
761As when the shepherd calls his sheep (La oveja sigue una voz)BICENTENNIAL
762Let us break bread together on our knees (De rodillas compartamos hoy el pan)LET US BREAK BREAD
763Lord, who at your first Eucharist did pray (En esa Eucaristía, buen Señor)UNDE ET MEMORES
764Break now the bread of Christ's sacrifice (Ven y comparte el divino pan)ARGENTINE SANTO
765Jesus said, "I was hungry and you gave me food" (Dijo Jesús, "Tuve hambre y me dieron de comer:)AMEN
766El Señor nos ama hoy (Christ our Lord has loved us more)BY AND BY
767Jesucristo, nos convidas (Jesus Christ, you now invite us)CABRERA

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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