Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
568Beautiful Savior (Glorioso Cristo)SCHÖNSTER HERR JESU (ST. ELIZABETH)
569Porque Él entró en el mundo y en la historia (Because he came to enter human hist'ry)TENEMOS ESPERANZA
570My life flows on in endless song (Mi vida fluye cual canción)HOW CAN I KEEP FROM SINGING
571A mighty fortress is our God (Castillo fuerte es nuestro Dios)EIN' FESTE BURG
572Jesús, mi único anhelo (Jesus, my only desire)[Jesús mi único anhelo]
573How firm a foundation, you saints of the Lord (¡Cuán firme cimiento se hadado a loa fe)FOUNDATIONPage Scan
574You shall cross the barren desert (Cruzarás un gran desierto)[You shall cross the barren desert]
575Lord, you have searched my heart (Señor, tú me sondeas)[Lord, you have searched my heart]
576Seek ye first the kingdom of God (Busquen primero el reino de Dios)SEEK YE FIRST
577O God, our help in ages past (Nuestra esperanza y protección)ST. ANNE
578You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord (Tú que habitas al amparo del Señor)[You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord]
579The Lord is my light ( El Señor es mi luz)[The Lord is my light]
580He will release me from the nets of all my foes (Dios, de la red del cazador)[He will release me from the nets of all my foes]
581Eres Dueño tierno (You, our tender shepherd)[Eres Dueño tierno]
582Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! (En Jesucristo, puerto de paz)ASSURANCEPage Scan
583I am sure I shall see (Tengo fe que veré)[I am sure I shall see]
584Amar es entregarse (To love is to surrender)[Amar es entregarse]
585Since the love of Christ has brought us (Congregavit nos in unum) (El amor de Jesucristo)UBI CARITAS
586Not for tongues of heaven's angels (Mucho más que el don de lenguas)COMFORTPage Scan
587Bendigamos al Señor (Let us bless our saving Lord)CONCORDI LAETITIA
588El amor es comprensivo (Love is kind and understanding)[El amor es comprensivo]
589Ubi caritas et amor (Where true charity and love abide) (Donde hay amor y caridad)[Ubi caritas et amor]
590As the Father has loved me, so I have loved you (Como el Padre me amó, así yo los he amado)[As the Father has loved me]
591Where charity and love prevail (Donde hay amor y caridad)CHRISTIAN LOVE
592The King of love my shepherd is (El Rey de amor es mi pastor)ST. COLUMBA
593I head the voice of Jesus say (Oí la voz del Salvador)KINGSFOLDTextPage ScanAudio
594Nada te turbe, nada te espante (Nothing can trouble, nothing can frighten)[Nada te turbe, nada te espante]
595When pain and sorrow weigh us down (A los cargados por dolor)[When pain and sorrow weigh us down]
596I will come to you in the silence (Te hablaré en la paz del silencio)[I will come to you in the silence]
597My Shepherd, you supply my need (Señor, tú eres mi pastor)RESIGNATION
598Within our darkest night (En nuestra oscuridad)[Within our darkest night]
599Que se alegren los pobres de la tierra (May the poor people of the earth be joyful)[Que se alegren los pobres de la tierra]
600If you have faith but the size of a mustard seed (Si tienen fe como un grano de mostaza)[If you have faith but the size of a mustard seed]
601Blest are they, the poor in spirit (Benditos los pobres en el espíritu)[Blest are they, the poor in spirit]
602The kingdom of God is justice and joy (El Reino de Dios es gozo y bondad)LAUDATE DOMINUM
603You are salt for the earth, O people (¡Son ustedes la sal de la tierra)[You are salt for the earth, O people]
604We will walk with God, my brothers (Caminemos con Dios hermanos) (Sizohamba naye wo wo wo)SIZOHAMBA
605The Church's one foundation (Un solo fundmento)AURELIATextPage ScanAudio
606Caminamos hacia ti (We go forward, fellow pilgrims)[Caminamos hasia ti]
607Christ is made the sure foundation (Cristo, firme fundamento)WESTMINSTER ABBEY
608As a fire is meant for burning (como un fuego brilla y quema)BEACH SPRINGPage Scan
609Todos unidos formando un solo cuerpo (Sisters and brothers, we form a single body)[Todos unidos formando un solo cuerpo]
610Dios viene al mundo a través de nosotros [Dios viene al mundo a través de nosotros]
611Will you let me be your servant (Me permites ser tu siervo)[Will you let me be your servant]
612Pues si vivimos para él vivimos (When we are living, we are in Christ Jesus)SOMOS DEL SEÑOR
613'Tis the gift to be simple (Es un don ser sencillo)SIMPLE GIFTS
614Con este pueblo quiro aprender (With your disciples I understand)[Con este pueblo quiero aprender]
615Jesus, your Spirit is us (Cristo, tu Espíritu en mí)[Jesus, your Spirit in us]
616Qué linda está la mañana (How beautiful is the morning)[Qué linda está la mañana]
617Jesus, Jesus (Buen Jesús, buen Jesús)[Jesus, Jesus]
618"Take up your cross," the Savior said ("Toma tu cruz," dijo Jesús)O WALY WALY
619Mas yo, Señor, sé comprender (Without your love and faithfulness[Mas yo, Señor, sé comprender)
620Once we were people afraid (Éremos gente sin rumbo)[Once we were people afraid]
621Dame poder (So much in life)[Dame poder]
622You walk along our shoreline (Caminas por la orilla)AURELIA
623Will you come and follow me (Si te llamo, seguirás)KELVINGROVE
624Pescador, que al pasar por lo orilla (Pescador, as you passed by the lakeshore)[Pescador, que al pasar por la orilla)
625Two fisherman, who lived along (Dos pescadores frente al mar)LEAVE ALL THINGS
626I am the vine (Yo soy la vid)[I am the vine]
627Tú has venido a la orilla (Lord, when you came to the seashore)PESCADOR DE HOMBRES
628For our world, each sister and brother (Por el mundo por todos sus pueblos)[For our world, each sister and brother]
629I danced in the morning when the world was begun (Dancé en la mañana cuando el mundo nació)LORD OF THE DANCEPage Scan
630Come, be my light (Ven, sé mi luz)[Come, be my light]
631Yo siento tu voz muy dentro de mí (I'm sensing your voice deep down in my heart)[Yo siento tu voz muy dentro de mí]
632If we have died with him, then we shall live with him (Con Cristo morimos, con él viviremos[If we have died with him, then we shall live with him]
633Amarte sólo a ti, Señor (To love you, Lord, with all our heart)AMARTE SÓLO
634Lord, you are my shepherd (Tú eres, Señor, mi pastor)[Lord, you are my shepherd]
635This little light of mine, I'm gonna let it shine (Mi pequeñita luz, la dejaré brillar)LATTIMER
636Has recibido un destino (You have been given a purpose)[Has recibido un destino]
637Awake from your slumber! (¡Despierten del sueño)[Awake from your slumber]
638Enviado soy de Dios mi mano lista está (The Lord now sends us forth prepared to serve and give)ENVIADO
639Cristo te necesita para amar (Jesus needs you to give the world your love)CRISTO TE NECESITA
640Satúranos, Señor, con tu Espíritu (Lord, fill us with the love of the Spirit)SATURAME
641I, the Lord of sea and sky (Yo, Señor de cielo y mar)HERE I AM, LORD
642Lord, whose love in humble service (Con tu fiel servicio, oh Cristo)IN BABILONE
643Son la semilla que ha de crecer (You are the seed that must grow and bear fruit)ID Y ENSEÑAD
644Cuando se va la esperanza, nos habla Dios, y nos dice (Just when all hope seems to vanish, we hear the voice of the Spirit)ESPERANZA
645Lord, you give the great commission (Cristo, tú nos has mandado)ABBOT'S LEIGHPage Scan
646Profeta te consagro ("I consecrate you prophets!"PROFETIZA
647Sent forth by God's Blessing (Con Sus Bendiciones)ASH GROVE
648"Go make of all disciples" ("¡Discípulos han de ganar!)ELLACOMBE
649If you believe and I believe (Si Tienes fe, y yo también)[If you believe and I believe]
650The heavens embrace the earth [The heavens embrace the earth]
651Corre el viento en esta gran ciudad (Wind and cold through the city street)PERDÓN, SEÑOR
652O Freedom (Oh Libertad)[O Freedom]Page Scan
653Cuando el pobre nada tiene y aún reparte (When the hungry who have nothing share with strangers)PEQUEÑAS ACLARCIONES
654Los pobres siempre esperan el amanecer (The poor ones of the world await the dawn of hope)[Los pobres siempre esperan el amanecer]
655Pueblos nuevos, creadores de la historia (God's new people, we boldy forge our hist'ry)GENTE NUEVA
656Come! Live in the light![Come! Live in the light]
657Cuando sientas que tu hermano necesita de tu amor (When our sisters or our brothers stand in need of loving care)BATTLE HYMN OF THE REPUBLIC
658Hemos cubierto la tierra (We have covered the earth in shadows)[Hemos cubierto la tierra]
659We plow the fields and scatter (Aramos nuestros campos)ARAMOS
660Todo es tuyo, Señor (All is yours, Holy God)[Todo es tuyo, Señor]
661Let there be peace on earth (Reine en la tierra paz)[Let there be peace on earth]
662Dona nobis pacem, pacem[Dona nobis pacem, pacem]
663Make me a channel of your peace (Hazme un instrumento de tu paz)[Make me a channel of your peace]
664Que donde haya odio, Señor (Wherever there is hatred, O Lord)[Que donde haya odio, Señor]
665Peace before us, peace behind us (Paz delante, paz detrás)[Peace before us, peace behind us]
666La paz de la tierra esté contigo (The peace of the earth be with you)[La paz de la tierra esté contigo]
667Peace I leave you, my peace I give (Paz les dejo, mi paz yo les doy)[Peace I leave you, my peace I give]

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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