Living Praise, Our Second 1950 Song Book

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
d101There is peace and joy down in my heart
d102There will come a day of gladness
d103There'll be no sorrow in heaven I know
d104There's a mansion up in heaven that is waiting
d105There's a trail of precious scenes
d106There's a wonderful dream in the valley
d107This old sinful world is not my home
d108Though the way seems rough to the other goal
d109To every tribe and nation, good news of his
d110To the garden with him the disciples went
d111To the weary and oppressed
d112Upon the cross Jesus died for you
d113Upon thy arm, dear Lord, I lean
d114Was it for me and me alone
d115We are a band of royal soldiers
d116We read of a place that's called heaven
d117Well, I went down to the big camp meetin'
d118What can wash away my sin [sins] [stain]
d119What is it worth if we should gain all fame
d120What must I do to have salvation
d121When I am safe in that wonderful home
d122When I find my way is rough
d123When I wake up some morning in glory zone
d124When I'm sorely tempted and the way seems dark
d125When Jesus comes from heaven above
d126When my soul is singing in the [that] promised land above
d127When sin and sorrow make hard the way
d128When tossed about by wind and tide
d129When we join the millions singing
d130While traveling down life's weary road
d131Why need I fear, when I am never alone
d132Why stand ye idle all the day
d133Will my mother know me yonder
d134With a spirit of wonderful love for the lost

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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