The Liturgy and the Offices of Worship and Hymns of the American Province of the Unitas Fratrum, or the Moravian Church

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
300On Thee, our Guardian, God, we callPage Scan
301O God of heaven and earth, arisePage Scan
302All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheerful voicePage Scan
303Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
304Give to our God [the Lord] immortal praisePage Scan
305Command thy blessing from abovePage Scan
306This stone to Thee in faith we layPage Scan
307Great God of nations now to theePage Scan
308Be present at our table, LordPage Scan
309Praise God, from whom all blessings flowPage Scan
310O Holy Father, Holy SonPage Scan
311Father of heaven! Whose love profoundPage Scan
312Before Jehovah's awful thronePage Scan
313Great God, as seasons disappearPage Scan
314From all that [who] dwell [dwells] below the [in earth and] skiesPage Scan
315The word of God which ne'er shall ceasePage Scan
316Thy presence, gracious God, affordPage Scan
317Father of mercies, bow thine earPage Scan
318On Jordan [Jordan's] banks the Baptist's [Herald's] cry [voice]Page Scan
319O wondrous type, O vision fairPage Scan
320We sing to thee, Immanuel, the PrincePage Scan
321Lord Christ, reveal Thy holy facePage Scan
322With humble prayer, O may I readPage Scan
323Be present with Thy servants, LordPage Scan
324The royal banners forward goPage Scan
325In mercy, Lord, this grace bestowPage Scan
326Lord Jesus, may I constantly, Both day and night be near to theePage Scan
327Dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord, HelpPage Scan
328Though but a little child I amPage Scan
329My song shall bless the Lord of allPage Scan
330Now to the Lord a noble [joyful] songPage Scan
331When I survey the wondrous crossPage Scan
332What are these [those] soul reviving strainsPage Scan
333And dost thou say, ask what thou wiltPage Scan
334Come, let us sing the song of songsPage Scan
335I love the Lord, who died for mePage Scan
336Come, worship at Immanuel's [Emmanuel's] feetPage Scan
337Lord Jesus, with thy presence blessPage Scan
338This ship we now commend to theePage Scan
339Lord Jesus Christ, I humbly prayPage Scan
340How beauteous were [are] the marks divinePage Scan
341Let me be with thee where thou artPage Scan
342Faith comes by hearing God's recordPage Scan
343Though I'm in body full of painPage Scan
344Ride on, ride on in majestyPage Scan
345Take up thy cross, the Savior said, If thou wouldst my disciple bePage Scan
346To God let all the human race bring adoration, thanks and praisePage Scan
347We sing the praise of him who diedPage Scan
348O Christ, with each returning mornPage Scan
349Before the heavens were stretched abroad From everlastinPage Scan
350I know that my Redeemer lives, what comfort thisPage Scan
351Pour out thy Spirit from on highPage Scan
352Now let us join with hearts and tonguesPage Scan
353The one thing needful, that good partPage Scan
354Where high the heavenly temple stands The housePage Scan
355Sun of my soul [our souls], thou [my] [O] Savior [Father] dearPage Scan
356Awake, my soul, and with the sunPage Scan
357O timely happy, timely wisePage Scan
358Dear Savior, if these lambs should strayPage Scan
359Be with me, Lord, where'er I goPage Scan
360Lord, I have passed another dayPage Scan
361When I by faith my Savior seePage Scan
362Bless, O my [each] soul, the living GodPage Scan
363Lord Jesus, with thy children stayPage Scan
364Behold a Stranger at the door!Page Scan
365O Lord, who numberest all our daysPage Scan
366Why should we start and fear to diePage Scan
367Go, labor on, spend and be spentPage Scan
368Lord of all being, throned afarPage Scan
369Again, as evening's shadow fallsPage Scan
370I will a little pilgrim bePage Scan
371There is no other name than thinePage Scan
372My opening eyes with rapture seePage Scan
373Come Holy Ghost, our souls inspirePage Scan
374O Comforter, God, Holy GhostPage Scan
375Come, O Creator Spirit blestPage Scan
376Creator Spirit, by whose aid [light]Page Scan
377Jesus, and shall it ever bePage Scan
378Show pity Lord, O Lord, forgivePage Scan
379My Father, when I come to theePage Scan
380Fight the good fight with all thy [your] mightPage Scan
381Lord, I am thine, entirely thine, Purchased and saved by blood divinePage Scan
382God calling yet, shall I not hearPage Scan
383What sinners value, I resignPage Scan
384God of that glorious gift of gracePage Scan
385O Master, let me walk with thee [you]Page Scan
386Why will ye [you] waste on trifling caresPage Scan
387How shall I follow him I servePage Scan
388The gold and silver are the Lord'sPage Scan
389Ho, everyone that thirsts, draw nighPage Scan
390O happy day that fixed [seals] [stays] my choicePage Scan
391How sweet to leave the world awhilePage Scan
392Hosanna to the living LordPage Scan
393Praises to Him Whose love has givenPage Scan
394All praise to thee, my God, this nightPage Scan
395Jesus, where'er thy people meetPage Scan
396Sweet is the work, my [O] [our] God, [and] [my] [our] KingPage Scan
397To thee, God Holy Ghost, we prayPage Scan
398Stand up, my soul [our souls], shake off thy [your] fearsPage Scan
399The hours' decline and setting sunPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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