The Irish Presbyterian Hymnbook

Publisher: Canterbury Press, Norwich, 2004
Denomination: Presbyterian Church in Ireland
Language: English
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
R37aWhile humble shepherds watch'd their flocksEVANGELTextPage Scan
R37bWhile humble shepherds watch'd their flocksGRÄFENBERGTextPage Scan
R37cWhile humble shepherds watch'd their flocksWINCHESTER OLDTextPage Scan
R38Just and devout old Simeon liv'dST ANDREWTextPage Scan
R39aHark, the glad sound, the Saviour comes!CREDITONTextPage Scan
R39bHark, the glad sound, the Saviour comes!WINCHESTER OLDTextPage Scan
R40The wretched prodigal beholdBALLERMATextPage Scan
R41As when the Hebrew prophet rais'dABRIDGE (ST STEPHEN)TextPage Scan
R42Let not your hearts with anxious thoughtsKILMARNOCKTextPage Scan
R43aYou now must hear my voice no moreST ANDREWTextPage Scan
R43bYou now must hear my voice no moreCRIMONDTextPage Scan
R44aBehold the Saviour on the crossMARTYRDOM (FENWICK)TextPage Scan
R44b'Tis finish'd — was his latest voiceREDEMPTIONTextPage Scan
R45Ungrateful sinners! whence this scornCULROSSTextPage Scan
R46Vain are the hopes the sons of menST THOMASTextPage Scan
R47And shall we then go on to sinGLOUCESTERTextPage Scan
R48aLet Christian faith and hope dispelST MAGNUS (NOTTINGHAM)TextPage Scan
R48bLet Christian faith and hope dispelSTROUDWATERTextPage Scan
R49aThough perfect eloquence adorn'dHOWARDTextPage Scan
R49bThough perfect eloquence adorn'dST ANDREWTextPage Scan
R50aWhen the last trumpet's awful voiceST NICHOLASTextPage Scan
R50bWhen the last trumpet's awful voiceEDINBURGHTextPage Scan
R51aSoon shall this earthly frame, dissolv'dST LEONARDTextPage Scan
R51bSoon shall this earthly frame, dissolv'dST PETER (REINAGLE)TextPage Scan
R52Ye who the Name of Jesus bearST BERNARDTextPage Scan
R53aTake comfort, Christians, when your friendsBALLERMATextPage Scan
R53bTake comfort, Christians, when your friendsCORONATextPage Scan
R53cTake comfort, Christians, when your friendsCOMFORTTextPage Scan
R54aI'm not asham'd to own my LordJACKSON (BYZANTIUM)TextPage Scan
R54bI'm not asham'd to own my LordST PETER (REINAGLE)TextPage Scan
R54cI'm not asham'd to own my LordLANCASTERTextPage Scan
R55My race is run; my warfare's o'erST ANNETextPage Scan
R56aHow wretched was our former stateBEDFORD (1st form)TextPage Scan
R56bHow wretched was our former stateBEDFORD (2nd form)TextPage Scan
R57aJesus, the Son of God, who onceTALLIS'S ORDINALTextPage Scan
R57bJesus, the Son of God, who onceFAITHTextPage Scan
R58aWhere high the heav'nly temple standsELYTextPage Scan
R58bWhere high the heav'nly temple standsMELCOMBETextPage Scan
R58cWhere high the heav'nly temple standsSOLDAUTextPage Scan
R58dWhere high the heav'nly temple standsWALTON (FULDA)TextPage Scan
R59aBehold what witnesses unseenFRENCH (DUNDEE)TextPage Scan
R59bBehold what witnesses unseenMORAVIATextPage Scan
R60aFather of peace, and God of love!SALZBURG (HAYDN)TextPage Scan
R60bFather of peace, and God of love!PALESTRINATextPage Scan
R60cFather of peace, and God of love!ST AGNES, DURHAMTextPage Scan
R61aBless'd be the everlasting GodPRAETORIUSTextPage Scan
R61bBless'd be the everlasting GodWILTSHIRETextPage Scan
R62Lo! in the last of days beholdST NICHOLASTextPage Scan
R63Behold th' amazing gift of loveST STEPHEN (NEWINGTON)TextPage Scan
R64To him that lov'd the souls of menJACKSON (BYZANTIUM)TextPage Scan
R65Behold the glories of the LambST MAGNUS (NOTTINGHAM)TextPage Scan
R66aHow bright these glorious spirits shine!ST ASAPHTextPage Scan
R66bHow bright these glorious spirits shine!DUNFERMLINETextPage Scan
R66cHow bright these glorious spirits shine!SOUTHWELL (IRONS)TextPage Scan
R67aLo! what a glorious sight appearsHARINGTON (RETIREMENT)TextPage Scan
R67bHo, ye that thirst! to you my graceST PAUL (ABERDEEN)TextPage Scan
H1When all thy mercies, O my God!ST DAVIDTextPage Scan
H2The spacious firmament on highPETERBOROUGHTextPage Scan
H3When rising from the bed of deathCHESHIRETextPage Scan
H4Blest morning! whose first dawning raysCREDITONTextPage Scan
H5The hour of my departure's comeSAXONYTextPage Scan
T11LUX ALMAPage Scan
T150BUCERPage Scan
T151EASTNORPage Scan
T168ARRANPage Scan
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[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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