Hymns for the Worship of God: selected and arranged for the congregations connected with the Church of Scotland

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101Lord, thy Word abidethPage Scan
102Just as I am, without one pleaPage Scan
103While dead in trespasses I liePage Scan
104Thou hidden love of God, whose heightPage Scan
105O Love Divine, how sweet thou art!Page Scan
106How sweet the name of Jesus soundsPage Scan
107Jesus is the name we treasurePage Scan
108Jesus! the very thought is sweetPage Scan
109Jesus! the very thought of theePage Scan
109.IIO Jesus! King most wonderful!Page Scan
110Jesus! exalted far on highPage Scan
111O Lord, as to thy cross we fleePage Scan
112Take up thy cross, the Saviour saidPage Scan
113Oh what, if we are Christ'sPage Scan
114The Son of God goes forth to warPage Scan
115Jesus, still lead onPage Scan
116How blessed, from the bonds of sinPage Scan
117My Saviour, as thou wiltPage Scan
118Jesus, meek and gentlePage Scan
119All unseen the Master walkethPage Scan
120With love the Saviour's heart o'erflowedPage Scan
121One sole baptismal signPage Scan
122Great Mover of all hearts, whose handPage Scan
123Our God is love; and all his saintsPage Scan
124Do not I love thee? O my LordPage Scan
125Blest are the pure in heartPage Scan
126O for a heart to praise my GodPage Scan
127O for a closer walk with GodPage Scan
128Ye servants of the LordPage Scan
129Sow in the morn thy seedPage Scan
130Soldiers of Christ, arisePage Scan
131O for a faith that will not shrinkPage Scan
132Jesus, lover of my soulPage Scan
133In tears and trials we must sowPage Scan
134My spirit on thy carePage Scan
135Thy way, not mine, O LordPage Scan
136Always with us, always with usPage Scan
137Lord, I believe a rest remainsPage Scan
138Lord, it belongs not to my carePage Scan
139Far from my heavenly homePage Scan
140Your harps, ye trembling saintsPage Scan
141The saints of earth and those abovePage Scan
142Great God, who, hid from mortal sightPage Scan
143O Christ, who dost prepare a placePage Scan
144Make haste, O man, to livePage Scan
145Abide with me; fast falls the even-tidePage Scan
146Not for the pious dead we weepPage Scan
147Brief life is here our portionPage Scan
147.IITo thee, O dear, dear country!Page Scan
147.IIIJerusalem the golden!Page Scan
148Jerusalem, my happy home!Page Scan
149O mother dear JerusalemPage Scan
150Lo, the day, the day of lifePage Scan
151Who are these like stars appearingPage Scan
152Alleluia! sweetest musicPage Scan
153The God of Abraham praisePage Scan
153.IIThough nature's strength decayPage Scan
153.IIIBefore the great Three-OnePage Scan
154O Lord our God, arisePage Scan
155Arise, O Lord, and shinePage Scan
156Thou, whose Almighty wordPage Scan
157O Spirit of the living God!Page Scan
158O that the Lord's salvationPage Scan
159From Greenland's icy mountainsPage Scan
160Hark! the song of jubileePage Scan
161Daughter of Zion! from the dustPage Scan
162Pour out thy Spirit from on highPage Scan
163Now let our mourning hearts revivePage Scan
164According to thy gracious wordPage Scan
165My God, accept our hearts this dayPage Scan
166Lord, when before thy throne we meetPage Scan
167Saviour, who thy flock art feedingPage Scan
168Heavenly Father! may thy lovePage Scan
169Gracious Saviour! Holy ShepherdPage Scan
170This stone to thee in faith we layPage Scan
171Christ is our corner-stonePage Scan
172The year is gone beyond recallPage Scan
173Great God! we sing that mighty handPage Scan
174For thy mercy and thy gracePage Scan
175Fountain of mercy, God of lovePage Scan
176Praise, O praise our God and King!Page Scan
177What our Father does is wellPage Scan
178O praise our God to-dayPage Scan
179Fountain of good, to own thy lovePage Scan
180In grief and fear to thee, O LordPage Scan
181When in the hour of utmost needPage Scan
182O God of love, O King of peacePage Scan
183Eternal Father, strong to savePage Scan
DITo Father, Son, and Holy GhostPage Scan
DIITo God the Father, God the SonPage Scan
DIIIPraise God, from whom all blessings flowPage Scan
DIVAll glory to the Father bePage Scan
DVAll glory, Lord, to theePage Scan
DVIAll praise and thanks to GodPage Scan
DVIINow blessed be the Lord our GodPage Scan
DVIIINow to the King of heavenPage Scan
DIXBlessed, blessed be JehovahPage Scan
DXAll blessings to the Lord our GodPage Scan
DXIGreat and marvellous are thy worksPage Scan
DXIIPraise to God on high be givenPage Scan

[This hymnal has not been proofed - data may be incomplete or incorrect]
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