生命聖詩 - Hymns of Life, 1986

Publisher: Chinese Alliance Press, 1986
Language: Chinese
Notes: ISBN: 978-962-244-122-4
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
101偉大奇妙的奧祕, (A great and mighty wonder)ROSA MYSTICA
102博士三人來自東方, (We three kings of Orient are)KINGS OF ORIENT
103古時候在大衛城中, (Once in Royal Davi'ds City)IRBY
104請來,久渴望的耶穌, (Come, Thou long-expected Jesus)HYFRYDOL
105信徒快醒,歡迎快樂良辰, (Christian, awake, salute the happy morn)YORKSHIRE
106以馬內利,懇求降臨, (O come, o come, Emmanuel)VENI EMMANUEL
107救主離棄寶座榮冕, (Thou didst leave Thy throne)[Thou didst leave Thy throne]
108博士滿懷喜樂心, (As with gladness men of old)DIX
109凡有血氣皆當靜默, (Let all mortal flesh keep silence)PICARDYText
110為伯利恆同聲歌唱, (O sing a song of Bethlehem)KINGSFOLD
111遙遠地方古城之外, (There is a green hill far away)HORSLEY
112偉大工匠,萬族之表, (O Master Workman of the race)NOEL
113榮耀君王騎驢前行! (Ride on, ride on in majesty)ST. DROSTANEText
114耶穌我救主降生伯利恆, (Seeking for me!)[Seeking for me!]
115祂降生馬槽中,卑微貧困; (Jesus, wonderful Lord)TRISHAGION
116時方夜半,橄欖山頭, ('Tis midnight, and on Olive's brow)EASTERTIME (SANDYS)
117預定時刻今來臨! (See the destined day arise)NUN KOMM
118主聖首曾創傷, (O sacred Head, now wounded)PASSION CHORALE
119我主為何流出寶血, (At the Cross)MARTYRDOM/AVONText
120各各他山嶺上,矗立古舊十架, (The old rugged cross)[The old rugged cross]Text
121在主耶穌十架下, (Beneath the cross of Jesus)ST. CHRISTOPHERText
122每逢思念奇妙十架, (When I survey the wondrous cross)ROCKINGHAM
123你可知道有何事, (Ask ye what great thing I know)HENDON
124為我受傷 (Wounded for me)[Wounded for me]
125生命之主,願你作王, (Lead me to Calvary)IN MEMORIUM
126我曾捨命為你, (I gave my life for thee)KENOSIS
127天父兒女,齊聲歌唱, (O sons and daughters, let us sing)O FILII ET FILIAEText
128每逢你遭遇試探, (Go to dark Gethsemane)AJALON/REDHEAD/PETRA
129主安睡墳墓內, (Christ arose)CHRIST AROSE
130天父愛子由天至, (Hallelujah, what a Saviour!)MAN OF SORROWS
131歡迎快樂清晨! ("Welcome, happy morning!")HERMAS
132主阿,你獨自背十架, (Alone Thou goest forth)BANGOR
133復活得勝主,榮耀屬於你, (Thine is the glory)JUDAS MACCABEUS
134基督寶架我所誇耀, (In the cross of Christ I glory)RATHBUN
135今日主基督復活, (The day of resurrection)ELLACOMBE
136宗主信徒歡欣歌唱, (Good Christian men, rejoice and sing)VULPIUS (GELOBT SEI GOTT)
137基督耶穌今復生, (Christ the Lord is risen today)EASTER HYMN
138耶穌永活我也活, (Jesus lives and so shall I)LUISE
139戰爭完畢,奮鬥告終, (The strife is o'er)VICTORY (ALLELUIA'S)
140聖徒請看榮耀景象, (Look, ye saints)BRADEN
141聖徒請看榮耀景象, (Look, ye saints)CWM RHONDDA
142從前曾戴羞辱荊冕, (The head that once was crowned)ST. MAGNUS
143從前曾戴羞辱荊冕, (The head that once was crowned)AZMON
144黑夜已深白晝將近,榮耀盼望使我歡愉, (He's coming soon)LILIUOKALANIText
145聽哪!千萬琴韻悠揚, (Hark! Ten thousand harps and voices)HARWELL
146基督昔日捨身救人, (Lo, He comes with clouds descending)REGENT SQUARE
147眾城門哪,抬起頭來, (Lift up your heads, ye might gates)TRURO
148一榮耀早晨憂愁消散, (Some golden daybreak)[Some golden daybreak]Text
149耶穌在榮耀中再來,要應驗聖經中記載, (The hope of the ages)THE HOPE OF THE AGESText
150基督在天上,頌讚聲滿天城, (One day!)[One day!]
151今天快樂時辰, (Praise for the Spirit of God)SALVE FESTA DIES
152親愛救主離世之前, (The Holy Spirit given)ST. CUTHBERT
153我眾謙恭求聖靈, (Holy Spirit, while we bend)CELESTIAL DOVE
154求上主聖靈降臨我心中, (Spirit of God, descend upon my heart)MORECAMBE
155懇求聖靈進我心中, (Come, Holy Ghost)WINCHESTER OLDText
156求聖靈發出恩光, (Holy Ghost, with light divine)MERCY
157懇求聖靈如鴿彰顯, (Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove)ST. AGNES (DYKES)
158懇求聖靈如鴿彰顯, (Come, Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove)GERONTIUS
159開我眼睛使我看見, (Open my eyes, that I may see)VISION
160真神賜大權能['Tis burning in my soul]Text
161真理聖靈,求你降臨, (Fill me now)FILL ME NOW
162感謝上主,啟示恩言, (Read, mark, learn)CAUSA DIVINA
163主話語像佳美花園, (Thy word is like a garden, Lord)BETHLEHEM
164求主擘生命餅,供我需要, (Break Thou the bread of life)SHERWIN
165真神是聖道成肉身, (O word of God incarnate)MUNICH
166何等實貴,神聖聖經, (How precious is the book divine)MARTYRDOM/AVON
167主,你話語是我所愛, (Lord, I have made Thy word my choice)TWENTY-FOURTH
168請為我再歌唱一次, (Wonderful words of life)WORDS OF LIFEText
169神默示奇妙聖經, (Holy Bible, book divine)ALETTA
170慈悲耶穌由天而來, (He lifted me)[He lifted me]Text
171你的罪顯如硃砂, (Though your sins be as scarlet)[Though your sins be as scarlet]
172別無羔羊,別無尊名, (None other Lamb)ELLASGARTH
173今有一處寶血活泉, (There is a fountain filled with blood)[There is a fountain filled with blood]
174耶穌奇妙的救恩,超過我眾過犯; (Wonderful grace of Jesus)[Wonderful grace of Jesus]
175煩忙人生的時光中, (Whispering hope)WHISPERING HOPEText
176今我所信確有根基, (My faith has found a resting place)LANDAS
177無量仁慈無量恩, (Depth of mercy! can there be)SEYMOUR
178怎能如此,像我這樣罪人, (And can it be that I should gain)SAGINAText
179全世界迷失在黑暗罪惡中, (The Light of the world)[The Light of the world]Text
180快將號筒吹響, (Blow ye the trumpet, blow!)TRUMPET
181我曾像奴隸,被罪鏈捆綁, (Glorious Freedom)[Glorious Freedom]
182耶穌基督滿有慈憐, (The great Physician how is near)ST. COLUMBA
183主顯慈愛尋找我, (In tenderness He sought me)[In tenderness He sought me]
184十架永遠堅立,哈利路亞! (Hallelujah for the Cross!)[Hallelujah for the Cross!]
185奇異恩典,何等甘甜,AMAZING GRACEText
186奇異恩典,何等甘甜, (Amazing grace)EMMANUELText
187耶穌我救主,我切願得純全, (Whiter than snow)FISCHERText
188有一位長官夜間來見耶穌, (Ye must be born again)[Ye must be born again]
189萬古磐石為我開,容我藏身在主懷, (Rock of Ages)AJALON/REDHEAD/PETRA
190萬古磐石為我開,容我藏身在主懷, (Rock of Ages)TOPLADY
191凡勞苦者來就我, (Come unto Me, ye weary)AURELIA
192苦海人生,波濤洶湧, (Jesus call us)GALILEE (JUDE)
193耶穌正溫柔呼召你回家, (Jesus is calling)[Jesus is calling]Text
194主,領我,以你公義引領我, (Lead me, Lord)[Lead me, Lord]
195問你是否因困倦疲乏, (Art thou weary?)BULLINGER
196從前流蕩遠離天父, (Lord, I'm coming home)[Lord, I'm coming home]Text
197來歸向救主,不要耽誤, (Come to the Saviour)[Come to the Saviour]
198像我這樣,無善可陳, (Just as I am)WOODWORTH
199你心若渴望從罪中釋放, (Look to the Lamb of God)[Look to the Lamb of God]
200聞主歡迎聲音, (I am coming, Lord)[I am coming, Lord]

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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