Hymns of Blessing for the Living Church: the best of the old and the latest of the new, suited to the church and home, the Sunday school, the brotherhoods, the young peoples' meetings...

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1The church's one foundation[The church's one foundation]Page Scan
2Here in Thy name we are gathered[Here in Thy name we are gathered]Page Scan
3Are you trusting the love of the Saviour divine[Are you trusting the love of the Saviour divine]Page Scan
4Ev'ry cloud has a silver lining[Ev'ry cloud has a silver lining]Page Scan
5I'm pressing on the upward way[I'm pressing on the upward way]Page Scan
6Have you pray'd all night[Have you pray'd all night]Page Scan
7Let the wicked forsake his way[Let the wicked forsake his way]Page Scan
8God's infinite Son is my Saviour and Friend[God's infinite Son is my Saviour and Friend]Page Scan
9I will go, I cannot stay[I will go, I cannot stay]Page Scan
10Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight[Far away in the depths of my spirit tonight]Page Scan
11When Jesus comes in, there's cleansing from sin[When Jesus comes in, there's cleansing from sin]Page Scan
12Up to the bountiful Giver of life[Up to the bountiful Giver of life]Page Scan
13I will sing you a song of that beautiful land[I will sing you a song of that beautiful land]Page Scan
14At evening time it shall be light[At evening time it shall be light]Page Scan
15Up and onward, Christian soldier[Up and onward, Christian soldier]Page Scan
16What great compassion Christ has shown[What great compassion Christ has shown]Page Scan
17More about Jesus would I know[More about Jesus would I know]Page Scan
18Out of the depths, poor, wretched, blind[Out of the depths, poor, wretched, blind]Page Scan
19In vain in high and holy lays[In vain in high and holy lays]Page Scan
20There'll be no dark valley when Jesus comes[There'll be no dark valley when Jesus comes]Page Scan
21My Lord is so dear and so precious[My Lord is so dear and so precious]Page Scan
22Keep the light burning, the billows are high[Keep the light burning, the billows are high]Page Scan
23We have heard a joyful sound[We have heard a joyful sound]Page Scan
24When the storms of life are raging[When the storms of life are raging]Page Scan
25In the hour of trial[In the hour of trial]Page Scan
26Get back to the Bible, the Gospel of love[Get back to the Bible, the Gospel of love]Page Scan
27Father above, to Thee we pray[Father above, to Thee we pray]Page Scan
28Waking joyful carols in the midst of care[Waking joyful carols in the midst of care]Page Scan
29Behold a Stranger at the door[Behold a Stranger at the door]Page Scan
30Take the world, but give me Jesus[Take the world, but give me Jesus]Page Scan
31Down life's dark vale we wander[Down life's dark vale we wander]Page Scan
32Blessed be the fountain of blood[Blessed be the fountain of blood]Page Scan
33Brightly beams our Father's mercy[Brightly beams our Father's mercy]Page Scan
34The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out[The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out]Page Scan
35O for a soul aglow with love[O for a soul aglow with love]Page Scan
36Dost thou know at thy bolted heart's-door tonight[Dost thou know at thy bolted heart's-door tonight]Page Scan
37The way of sin is filled with pain[The way of sin is filled with pain]Page Scan
38There's a place in heav'n prepared for me[There's a place in heav'n prepared for me]Page Scan
39Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine![Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine!]Page Scan
40Over all a God of love is reigning[Over all a God of love is reigning]Page Scan
41Sinners Jesus will receive[Sinners Jesus will receive]Page Scan
42Jesus may come today[Jesus may come today]Page Scan
43I know not why God's wondrous grace to me[I know not why God's wondrous grace to me]Page Scan
44There are lov'd ones in the glory[There are lov'd ones in the glory]Page Scan
45I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice[I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice]Page Scan
46O they tell me of a home far beyond the skies[O they tell me of a home far beyond the skies]Page Scan
47There's sunshine in my soul today[There's sunshine in my soul today]Page Scan
48Once my way was dark and dreary[Once my way was dark and dreary]Page Scan
49We've 'listed in a holy war[We've 'listed in a holy war]Page Scan
50When my life work is ended, and I cross the swelling tide[When my life work is ended, and I cross the swelling tide]Page Scan
51Shall we gather at the river[Shall we gather at the river]Page Scan
52Oh, what a Saviour, that He died for me![Oh, what a Saviour, that He died for me!]Page Scan
53When faint and weary by the way[When faint and weary by the way]Page Scan
54Jesus, Lover of my soulABERYSTWYTHPage Scan
55Jesus, lover of my soul[Jesus, lover of my soul]Page Scan
56I am thinking today of that beautiful land[I am thinking today of that beautiful land]Page Scan
57What will you do when the summons comes[What will you do when the summons comes]Page Scan
58Simply trusting ev'ry day[Simply trusting ev'ry day]Page Scan
59In the Christian's home in glory[In the Christian's home in glory]Page Scan
60The cross that He gave may be heavy[The cross that He gave may be heavy]Page Scan
61Fear not, believer, redemption draws nigh[Fear not, believer, redemption draws nigh]Page Scan
62Jesus will be your constant friend[Jesus will be your constant friend]Page Scan
63Somebody here needs Jesus today[Somebody here needs Jesus today]Page Scan
64Stand up, stand up for Jesus[Stand up, stand up for Jesus]Page Scan
65Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit[Hover o'er me, Holy Spirit]Page Scan
66Tell me the Old, Old story[Tell me the Old, Old story]Page Scan
67Jesus, keep me near the cross[Jesus, keep me near the cross]Page Scan
68Tell me the story of Jesus[Tell me the story of Jesus]Page Scan
69Go to Jesus when your heart is heavy[Go to Jesus when your heart is heavy]Page Scan
70When upon bended knee, Jesus whispered to me[When upon bended knee, Jesus whispered to me]Page Scan
71You may have the joybells ringing in your heart[You may have the joybells ringing in your heart]Page Scan
72When the mists have roll'd in splendor[When the mists have roll'd in splendor]Page Scan
73Must Jesus bear the cross aloneMAITLANDPage Scan
74I will sing of my Redeemer[I will sing of my Redeemer]Page Scan
75"Nearer the cross!" my heart can say["Nearer the cross!" my heart can say]Page Scan
76Conquering now and still to conquer[Conquering now and still to conquer]Page Scan
77I am passing down the valley that they say is so lone[I am passing down the valley that they say is so lone]Page Scan
78There is a Shepherd who cares for His own[There is a Shepherd who cares for His own]Page Scan
79Open my eyes, that I may see[Open my eyes, that I may see]Page Scan
80I've found a Friend, oh, such a Friend![I've found a Friend, oh, such a Friend!]Page Scan
81Jesus is all the world to me[Jesus is all the world to me]Page Scan
82When far away, remember me[When far away, remember me]Page Scan
83Be not dismayed whate'er betide[Be not dismayed whate'er betide]Page Scan
84Christ has for sin atonement made[Christ has for sin atonement made]Page Scan
85Tho' burdens heavy we here must bear[Tho' burdens heavy we here must bear]Page Scan
86The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin[The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin]Page Scan
87I hear the sweeping of the storm[I hear the sweeping of the storm]Page Scan
88One more day's work for Jesus[One more day's work for Jesus]Page Scan
89Life wears a different face to me[Life wears a different face to me]Page Scan
90I have blessings new, like the morning dew[I have blessings new, like the morning dew]Page Scan
91The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want[The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want]Page Scan
92When I can read my title clear[When I can read my title clear]Page Scan
93On Jordan's stormy banks I stand[On Jordan's stormy banks I stand]Page Scan
94He that on Jesus the Son hath believed[He that on Jesus the Son hath believed]Page Scan
95I must tell Jesus all of my trials[I must tell Jesus all of my trials]Page Scan
96Ye who the love of a mother have known[Ye who the love of a mother have known]Page Scan
97Speak to my soul, dear Jesus[Speak to my soul, dear Jesus]Page Scan
98Are you washed in the blood that was shed for you and me?[Are you washed in the blood that was shed for you and me?]Page Scan
99Gone from my heart the world and all its charms[Gone from my heart the world and all its charms]Page Scan
100In the land of song[In the land of song]Page Scan

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