Hymns for Junior Worship

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1All people that on earth do dwellOLD HUNDREDTH
2The sun is on the land and seaPARK
3My God, I thank Thee, who hast madeWENTWORTH
4When light is in the morning sky[When light is in the morning sky]
5When morning gilds the skiesLAUDES DOMINI
6Maker of the planets, hear our song to TheeHOKE
7Let all the world in every corner singALL THE WORLD
8O worship the King, all glorious aboveLYONS
9Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God AlmightyNICAEA
10Rock of ages, let our songCHANUKAH HYMN
11The God of Abraham praiseLEONI
12Joyful, joyful, we adore TheeHYMN TO JOY
13Come, Thou Almighty KingTRINITY
14All creatures of our God and KingLASST UNS ERFREUEN
15All that's good, and great, and trueORIENTIS PARTIBUS
16All things praise Thee, Lord Most HighHARPER
17This is my Father's worldTERRA BEATA
18With happy voices singingTOURS
19The ships glide in at the harbor's mouthDEO GRATIAS
20Lo, the winter is past[Lo, the winter is past]
21The glory of the spring, how sweet!SOHO
22For the beauty of the earthDIX
23Let us with a gladsome mindMONKLAND
24Praise to God, immortal praisePLEYEL'S HYMN
25All beautiful the march of daysBETHLEHEM
26In summer fields are grasses greenKIRK
27Now the day is overARMENTROUT
28God, that madest earth and heavenAR HYD Y NOS
29Once for us a Boy was bornPUER NOBIS
30O come, O come, EmmanuelVENI EMMANUEL
31When Christ was born of Mary freeLUTE-BOOK LULLABY
32Christians, awake! Salute the happy mornYORKSHIRE
33O come, all ye faithfulADESTE FIDELES
34It came upon the midnight clearCAROL
35Silent night! holy night!STILLE NACHT
36O little town of BethlehemST. LOUIS
37The first Noel the angel did sayTHE FIRST NOEL
38We three kings of Orient areKINGS OF ORIENT
39A King might miss the guiding starBETHLEHEM ROAD
40There's a song in the air!CHRISTMAS SONG
42Give heed, my heart, lift up thine eyes!JESU! REDEMPTOR OMNIUM
43I heard the bells on Christmas DayTITSWORTH
44The Lord of love came down to earthTHIS ENDRIS NIGHT
45The friendly hills of GalileeMARKET SQUARE
46At work beside His father's benchIHR HIRTEN, STEHET ALLE AUF
47Tell me the stories of Jesus I love to hearSTORIES OF JESUS
48All glory, laud, and honorST. THEODULPH
49Thy works of love and friendshipDUNDEE (French)
50There is a green hill far awayMEDITATION
51In the cross of Christ I gloryRATHBUN
52I say to all men, far and nearNUN DANKET ALL' (Gräfenberg)
53"Christ, the Lord, is risen today"ORIENTIS PARTIBUS
54Jesus Christ is risen todayEASTER HYMN
55The strife is o'er, the battle donePLALESTRINA
56O joyous Easter morningMEIRIONYDD
57Christ the King rides forth in triumphAUSTRIAN HYMN
58Take my life, and let it beSEYMOUR
59Just as I am, Thine own to beJUST AS I AM
60Dear Lord, we give our youth to TheeGREEN HILL
61Saviour, in the words I sayHORSHAM
62I would be true, for there are those who trust mePEEK
63Best of all the things we doD'ARCY
64Dare to be brave, dare to be trueDARE TO BE BRAVE
65Let us be loyal! Heart and handVIRTUS
66The wise may bring their learningLAUFER
67For man's unceasing quest for GodCOTTINGHAM
68The Word of God shall guide my feet[The Word of God shall guide my feet]
69Lord, Thy Word abidethST. CYPRIAN
70The Word of God shall be my guideBEATITUDO
71The Lord's my Shepherd, I'll not wantPASTOR MEUS
72How strong and sweet my Father's careEUDORA
73God, who made the earthBEECHWOOD
74God speaks to us in bird and songELMHURST
75The Lord is ever nearST. MICHAEL (Old 134th)
76Like Thee, dear maser, help us feelDALEHURST
77Teach us, dear Lord, to prayGREENE
78He prayeth best who loveth bestST. FLAVIAN
79O Master Workman of the raceAMESBURY
80Father, lead me day by dayST. BEES
81I thank You, God, for this good dayCE JOUR
82O Jesus, Lad of NazarethTROUT
83O Master of the loving heartSERENITY
84When Jesus lived in Nazareth[When Jesus lived in Nazareth]
85Jesus, Christ Jesus, is with me todayFRÉOND
86Lord, I want to be a Christian in-a my heart, in-a my heart[Lord, I want to be a Christian in-a my heart, in-a my heart]
87My Lord calls me, He calls me by the thunder[My Lord calls me, He calls me by the thunder]
88The Word of God must goMISSIONER
89In Christ there is no East or WestST. PETER
90We've a story to tell to the nationsMESSAGE
91Jesus shall reign where'er the sunDUKE STREET
92Our church proclaims God's love and careTRURO
93Long ago the friends of JesusAUSTRIAN HYMN
94Faith of our fathers! living stillST. CATHERINE
95Forward through the agesHOWARD
96Sun high above, sun high aboveGARLAND
97The world came to my home one dayFRIENDSHIP
98It makes no differenceREST
99The world, dear Lord, is very largeNORTON
100Brother of all the worldCASA BIANCA

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