Gipsy Smith's Mission Hymnal: including Church Hymns and Gospel Songs, with Special Additions

Publisher: The Biglow & Main Co., New York, 1906
Language: English
Notes: Hymns of the Church Hymns and Gospel Songs (CH), and Special Additions (S) are numbered separately
#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1All to Jesus, I surrender[All to Jesus, I surrender]Page Scan
2When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more[When the trumpet of the Lord shall sound, and time shall be no more]Page Scan
3Never a day nears its sunset[Never a day nears its sunset]Page Scan
4All ye poeple who have heard the Saviour's loving call[All ye poeple who have heard the Saviour's loving call]Page Scan
5Oh, to be Kept for Jesus[Oh, to be Kept for Jesus]Page Scan
6Hail, Thou once despised JesusHYFRYDOLPage Scan
7Rouse we, endeav'rers, hark, hark the call[Rouse we, endeav'rers, hark, hark the call]Page Scan
8Light of the world! faint were our weary feet[Light of the world, faint were our weary feet]Page Scan
9Praise, my soul, the King of heaven[Praise, my soul, the King of heaven]Page Scan
10At the cross I was kneeling[At the cross I was kneeling]Page Scan
11Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling[Softly and tenderly Jesus is calling]Page Scan
12Have you had a kindness shown?[Have you had a kindness shown?]Page Scan
13In darkness I lingered 'mid doubt and despair[In darkness I lingered 'mid doubt and despair]Page Scan
14Tell me the old, old story[Tell me the old, old story]Page Scan
15Come ye sinners, poor and wretchedCARESALEMPage Scan
16Christ has for sin atonement made[Christ has for sin atonement made]Page Scan
17Who is on the Lord's side?[Who is on the Lord's side?]Page Scan
18Down at the cross where my Saviour died[Down at the cross where my Saviour died]Page Scan
19Thou my everlasting Portion[Thou my everlasting Portion]Page Scan
20O blessed Christ, to Thee I come[O blessed Christ, to Thee I come]Page Scan
21Oh, the gospel news proclaim[Oh, the gospel news proclaim]Page Scan
22Now the day is over[Now the day is over]Page Scan
23Ride on, ride on in majesty[Ride on, ride on in majesty]Page Scan
24Are you living for the Saviour?[Are you living for the Saviour?]Page Scan
25Lead me, O my Saviour, lead me[Lead me, O my Saviour, lead me]Page Scan
26Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat[Man the life-boat! Man the life-boat]Page Scan
27I will not be weary, tho' trials may come[I will not be weary, tho' trials may come]Page Scan
28I was wand'ring, sad and weary[I was wand'ring, sad and weary]Page Scan
29The Lord bless thee and keep thee[The Lord bless thee and keep thee]Page Scan
CH1Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty!NICAEAPage Scan
CH2Safely through another weekSABBATHPage Scan
CH3Pleasant are Thy courts abovePage Scan
CH4O day of rest and gladnessMENDEBRASPage Scan
CH5The dawn of God's new SabbathPage Scan
CH6This is the day of lightMORNINGTONPage Scan
CH7With joy we lift our eyesPage Scan
CH8Now let our voices joinPage Scan
CH9Sweetly the holy hymnGREENWOODPage Scan
CH10Sweet is the work, O LordPage Scan
CH11Welcome, sweet day of restPage Scan
CH12Welcome, delightful mornLISCHERPage Scan
CH13O Zion, tune thy voicePage Scan
CH14Now to thy sacred housePage Scan
CH15When morning gilds the skiesLAUDES DOMINIPage Scan
CH16God of the morning, at whose voiceHEBRONPage Scan
CH17Abide with me! Fast falls the eventideEVENTIDEPage Scan
CH18Saviour again to Thy dear name we raisePage Scan
CH19Saviour, breathe an evening blessingEVENING PRAYERPage Scan
CH20Now the day is overNOW THE DAY IS OVERPage Scan
CH21Silently the shades of eveningSTOCKWELLPage Scan
CH22Tarry with me, O my SaviourPage Scan
CH23Yes, for me, for me He carethPage Scan
CH24Sun of my soul! Thou Saviour dearHURSLEYPage Scan
CH25Again, as evening's shadow fallsPage Scan
CH26When shades of night around us closePage Scan
CH27Great God, to thee my evening songPage Scan
CH28All people that on earth do dwellOLD HUNDREDPage Scan
CH29Praise God, from whom all blessings flowPage Scan
CH30Now blessed be the mighty OneWAREPage Scan
CH31Ye servants of God, your Master proclaimLYONSPage Scan
CH32Lord, thee I'll praise with all my heartPage Scan
CH33Begin, my tongue, some heavenly themeMANOAHPage Scan
CH34My God, the spring of all my joysPage Scan
CH35When all Thy mercies, O my God!Page Scan
CH36O God, our help in ages pastDUNDEEPage Scan
CH37God moves in a mysterious wayPage Scan
CH38Oh, for a heart to praise my GodPage Scan
CH39Lord, we come before Thee nowHENDONPage Scan
CH40To Thy pastures fair and largePage Scan
CH41Come, my soul, thy suit preparePage Scan
CH42Stealing from the world awayHORTONPage Scan
CH43They who seek the throne of gracePage Scan
CH44Lord, I cannot let Thee goPage Scan
CH45From every stormy wind that blowsRETREATPage Scan
CH46What various hindrances we meetPage Scan
CH47My God, is any hour so sweetPage Scan
CH48Prayer is the soul's sincere desireNAOMIPage Scan
CH49I love to steal awhile awayPage Scan
CH50Father, whate'er of earthly blissPage Scan
CH51Joy to the world, the Lord is come!ANTIOCHPage Scan
CH52Hark! what mean those holy voicesRATHBUNPage Scan
CH53It came upon the midnight clearCAROLPage Scan
CH54Calm on the listening ear of nightPage Scan
CH55While shepherds watched their flocks by nightCHRISTMASPage Scan
CH56Angels rejoiced and sweetly sungPage Scan
CH57Bright was the guiding star that ledPage Scan
CH58O little town of Bethlehem, How still we seeBETHLEHEMPage Scan
CH59My dear Redeemer, and my LordROCKINGHAMPage Scan
CH60How beauteous were the marks divinePage Scan
CH61How sweetly flowed the gospel's soundPage Scan
CH62To thee be glory, honor, praiseHEBRONPage Scan
CH63Ride on! ride on in majesty!Page Scan
CH64Oh, love, how deep! how broad! how high!Page Scan
CH65Oh, wondrous type, Oh, vision fairPage Scan
CH66I heard the voice of Jesus sayEVANPage Scan
CH67There is a name I love to hearPage Scan
CH68A pilgrim through this lonely worldPage Scan
CH69We may not climb the heavenly steepsSERENITYPage Scan
CH70What grace, O Lord, and beauty shonePage Scan
CH71O Lord, we now thy path retracePage Scan

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