Church Choral-Book: containing tunes and hymns for congregational singing, and adapted to choirs and social worship

#TextTuneText InfoTune InfoTextScorePage ScanAudio
1Be thou, O God, exalted highOLD HUNDREDPage Scan
2From all that dwell below the skiesPage Scan
3Great God, whose universal swayPage Scan
4Through every age, eternal GodPage Scan
5Eternal and immortal KingPage Scan
6Dismiss us with Thy blessing, Lord, HelpPage Scan
7O God, whose presence glows in allPRAGUEPage Scan
8Another six days' work is donePage Scan
9Great God attend, while Zion singsPage Scan
10Now be my heart inspired to singPage Scan
11Eternal source of every joyPage Scan
12When Israel, of the Lord belovedSTERLINGPage Scan
13Great God, we sing thy mighty handPage Scan
14Awake, my soul, lift up thine eyesPage Scan
15Who shall ascend thy heavenly placePage Scan
16O come, loud anthems let us sing, loud thanksPage Scan
17With one consent let all the earthPage Scan
18Great God, what do I see and hearMANMOUTHPage Scan
19Before Jehovah's awful thronePage Scan
20That day of wrath, that dreadful dayPage Scan
21The Lord will come, the earth shall quakePage Scan
22He reigns, the Lord, the Saviour reignsPage Scan
23Broad is the road that leads to deathWINDHAMPage Scan
24Life is the time to serve the LordPage Scan
25Twas on that dark, that doleful nightPage Scan
26Have mercy on me, O my GodPage Scan
27Show pity Lord, O Lord, forgivePage Scan
28At anchor laid, remote from homeCOMPASSIONPage Scan
29Blest Spirit, source of grace divinePage Scan
30Like shadows gliding o'er the plainPage Scan
31Come, Sacred Spirit, from abovePage Scan
32Preserve me Lord in time of needPage Scan
33My God, accept my early vowsPage Scan
34Come hither, all ye weary soulsPage Scan
35Now to the Lord a noble songTRUROPage Scan
36Arm of the Lord, awake, awakePage Scan
37Zion, awake, thy strength renewPage Scan
38Awake, our souls, away our fearsPage Scan
39Awake, my soul, and with the sunPage Scan
40Up to the fields where angels lieANGELS' HYMNPage Scan
41How happy is he born or taughtPage Scan
42Now rest, my long-divided heartPage Scan
43Happy the Church, thou sacred placePage Scan
44Blest are the humble souls that seePage Scan
45How sweetly flowed the gospel's soundPage Scan
46The heavens declare thy glory, LordAPPLETONPage Scan
47Let Zion praise the mighty GodPage Scan
48Salvation is forever nighPage Scan
49Ye nations round the earth, rejoicePage Scan
50Had I the tongues of Greeks and JewsPage Scan
51With all my powerse of heart and tongueLUTONPage Scan
52Thus far the Lord has led me onPage Scan
53Nature with all her powers shall singPage Scan
54My God, my King, thy various praisePage Scan
55Come in, thou blessed of the LordPage Scan
56Almighty Ruler of the skiesPage Scan
57Eternal Spirit, we confessST. PAULSPage Scan
58He lives, the great Redeemer livesPage Scan
59O thou to whose all searching sightPage Scan
60Jehovah reigns he dwells in lightPage Scan
61We bless the Lord, the just and goodPage Scan
62Ye Christian heralds, go proclaimREDEMPTIONPage Scan
63Go preach my gospel, saith the LordPage Scan
64Eternal Source of every joyPage Scan
65And will the great eternal GodPage Scan
66And is the gospel peace and lovePage Scan
67Join, every tongue, to praise the LordPage Scan
68Return, my wandering soul, returnSUMMER STREETPage Scan
69Jesus, and shall it ever bePage Scan
70My God, I thank thee, may no thoughtPage Scan
71Jehovah reigns his throne is highPage Scan
72Thou only Sovereign of my heartPage Scan
73Let me but hear my Saviour sayPage Scan
74My God, permit me not to be a strangerMEDWAYPage Scan
75Far from my thoughts, vain world, begonePage Scan
76So let our lips and lives expressPage Scan
77Sweet is the work, my God, my KingPage Scan
78How pleasant, how divinely fairPage Scan
79Great Former of this various frameATLANTICPage Scan
80O Thou whose presence went beforePage Scan
81God of eternity, from theePage Scan
82Lord! I will bless thee all my daysPage Scan
83With all my powers of heart and tonguePage Scan
84Bless, O my soul, the living GodPage Scan
85Kingdoms and thrones to God belongHAMBURGPage Scan
86When, as returns this solemn dayPage Scan
87When I survey the wondrous crossPage Scan
88'Tis by the faith of joys to comePage Scan
89Great God in vain man's narrow viewPage Scan
90My dear Redeemer, and my LordPage Scan
91Thine earthly Sabbaths, Lord we lovePage Scan
92My helper God! I bless thy name!MENDONPage Scan
93The lands that long in darkness layPage Scan
94There is a God, all nature speaksPage Scan
95O thou who hast at thy commandPage Scan
96O wretched souls who strive in vainPage Scan
97Beset with snares on every handPage Scan
98Lord, when thou didst ascend on highDUKE STREETPage Scan
99Jesus shall reign where'er the sunPage Scan
100Give to our God immortal praisePage Scan

[This hymnal is not yet complete - may be missing texts or tunes]
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