314. Child in the manger

1 Child in the manger,
infant of Mary;
outcast and stranger,
Lord of all!
Child who inherits
all our transgressions,
all our demerits
on him fall.

2 Once the most holy
child of salvation
gently and lowly
lived below;
now, as our glorious
mighty Redeemer,
see him victorious
o'er each foe.

3 Prophets foretold him
infant of wonder;
angels behold him
on his throne;
worthy our Saviour
of all their praises;
happy forever
are his own.

Original Gaelic text:
1 Leanabh an àihg,
an leanabh bh'aig Màiri;
rugadh an stàbull
Rìgh nan dùl:
thànig don fhàsach,
dh'fhuling nar na-àite -
son' iad an àireamh
bhitheas dha dlùth!

2 Ged a bhios leanaban
aig rìghrean na talmhainn,
'n greadnachas garbh
's anabarr mùirn,
's geàrr gus am falbh iad
's fàsaidh iad anfhann,
an àilleachd 's an dealbh
a' searg 'san ùir.

3 Cha b'ionnan 's an t-Uan
a tháinig gar fuasgladh,
iriosal stuama
ghluais e 'n tùs;
e naomha gun truailleachd,
Cruithear an t-sluaigh,
dh'èirich e suas
le buaidh on ùir.

4 Leanabh an àigh
mar dh'aithris na faidhean,
's na h-ainglean àrd'
b'e miann an sùl:
's e 's airidh ar gràdh
's ar n-urram thoirt dha:
is sona an àireamh
bhitheas dha dlùth.

Text Information
First Line: Child in the manger
Translator: Lachlan Macbean (1853-1931)
Author: Mary MacDonald (1789-1872)
Meter: 55 53 D
Language: English
Publication Date: 2008
Scripture: ; ; ; ; ;
Topic: Life in Christ: Christ Incarnate - Christmas and Epiphany
Tune Information
Arranger: David Evans (1874-1948)
Meter: 55 53 D
Key: C Major
Source: Gaelic traditional melody
Copyright: Arrangement © Oxford University Press

MIDI file: Music
More media are available on the text authority and tune authority pages.

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