Kyrie in Latin? Unlikely

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Somebody should go throught the Kyries that show "Latin" as either the original language (which it is not) or one of the text languages in a hymnal (which it is not in any of the ones I've examined). There are 19 such instances, and my bet is that all 19 need to be changed to read "Other: Greek" for the text language. I already changed the Original Language in the authority, but it may remain so listed in some or all of the instances. True, it's Greek written in Latin letters, but that no more makes it Latin than "Kono hon wa dare no hon desuka" is English rather than Japanese just because it's written in English letters. The Kyrie is in fact famous for being left in Greek in the Latin rite mass.


I went through the instances and corrected the languages.  The only ones now that also show "Latin" are those with added text in Latin.