Most popular hymns within a denomination or from "My Hymnals"

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Is there a way to narrow down the "Popular Hymns" to a chosen denomination or only the most popular hymns from "My Hymnals?" Thank you.


The search ranker takes popularity into account. So if matches are otherwise all equal, theoretically, searching for hymns in a particular hymnal should rank them by populartiy, and similarly simply searching for starred hymns. E.g.

At least, that's my theory. Does it look like it's working that way to you?

Thanks for the response. I guess I'm not trying to find which of my starred hymns are most popular in general, or which in my congregation's hymnbook are most popular in general, but taking the 5 hymnals in "My hymnals," which hymns are most popular within that self-contained subset of "My hymnals". Or even if I wanted to search within only Lutheran hymnals? Although, i do think I may want to see which of the hymns are most popular in general too, but I've already looked through the general "popular hymns" page, so I'm comfortable with that.

Actually, I think I have got it. Search for texts within my hymnals, my hymnals sorted by instances...or something like that. Thanks for helping me think about it differently to figure it out.