R. D. Humphrey

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I am removing the date (1826-) from the page for R. D. Humphreys, and reassigning compositions previously attributed to Joseph Humphreys to R. D. Humphreys (e.g. EXULTATION (Humphreys). Since his works appear mainly (entirely?) in the 1820 Supplement to the Kentucky Harmony, R. D. cannot possibly have been born in 1826. It is however possible that he may have died that year. I haven't found any source for his lifespan. Joseph Humphreys, as far as I can tell, was a text hymnist, not a composer.


I would assume that the date 1826 was the date of composition of one of his tunes, which someone mistakenly put as his birth year. If no biographical data are available, can the system handle "fl. 1826" (= floruit [was active in] 1826)?

The inability of various parts of "the system" to handle things like fl. and ca. is one of the more annoying things about trying to grow the database in my experience. I think the answer is "sort of, but not really".