Error Report - Lord, Thou on Earth Didst Love Thine Own

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The page at says Ray Palmer's Lord, Thou on Earth Didst Love Thine Own appeared in "The Christian Harmony" in 1805. That was four years before Palmer was born.


There's no database entry (yet) for the 1867 first edition of William Walker's Christian Harmony, but I suppose it's quite possible it's there. How the DNAH contributor of Ingalls' CH might have introduced an entry from another book of the same title is, however, a mystery. I don't have a copy of the 1805 or 1867 books to look at, but I don't see this first line listed in the bicentennial edition of Ingalls or the 1873 edition of Walker.

I imagine it's more likely that there's a hymn in Ingalls that has a partial-match first line that got miscoded as the same hymn as Palmer's. "All for Jesus" is a classic example of the sort of first line that is subject to this sort of editorial misreading. The database shows about 25 hymns with this given as Title and about 7 with "All for Jesus, all for Jesus" as first line and at least ten more whose refrains begin with "All for Jesus".