Browsing Elements of Worship in Renew! Songs and Hymns for Blended Worship

Select an element:

ElementHymnFirst Line
Agnus Dei#216O Christ, the Lamb of God
Benediction#293Go now in peace
Closing Songs#62When in our music God is glorified
Closing Songs#291Go forth for God
Communion Liturgy#229Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Communion Songs#5God is here! As we your people
Communion Songs#58Alleluia, sing to Jesus
Communion Songs#140Just as I am, without one plea
Communion Songs#189Amazing grace! how sweet the sound
Communion Songs#195I come with joy a child of God
Communion Songs#217As when a shepherd calls his sheep
Communion Songs#218He offered his body, he poured out his soul
Communion Songs#221Now the silence
Communion Songs#228I am the bread of life
Communion Songs#229Let all mortal flesh keep silence
Communion Songs#236When I survey the wondrous cross
Communion Songs#242Now let us from this table rise
Communion Songs#307Sent forth by God's blessing
Confession Songs#140Just as I am, without one plea
Confession Songs#141Come, ye sinners, poor and needy
