Browsing Elements of Worship in Oramos Cantando = We Pray In Song

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ElementHymnFirst Line
Scripture Songs#865Aleluya aleluya, aleluya
Songs of Response#471How sweet the name of Jesus sounds (Cuán dulce el nombre de Jesús)
Songs of Response#491In the bulb there is a flower (El botón es flor mañana)
Songs of Response#552Sometimes I feel discouraged (Cuando siento que en mi vida)
Songs of Response#582Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! (En Jesucristo, puerto de paz)
Songs of Response#597My Shepherd, you supply my need (Señor, tú eres mi pastor)
Songs of Response#605The Church's one foundation (Un solo fundmento)
Songs of Response#794Nearer, my God to thee (Cerca de ti, Señor)
