Browsing topics in Zion still Sings

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#99We all are one in mission
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#101I give all my service to you
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#145Light of the world, you stepped down into darkness
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#165Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#173I am weak and I need thy strength and power
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#175I'm determined to walk with Jesus, yes, I am
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#180Yes, Lord! Yes, Lord!
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#183I said, "Yes, Lord, yes!"
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#187My soul loves Jesus
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#188Come as a child, some to the waters
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#189Wade in the Water
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#190Take me to the water
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#191Wash, O God, our sons and daughters
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#192O brother, do you love Jesus?
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#193Water flowing, flowing free
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#194Have you got good religion?
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#209May the words of my mouth be acceptable
Baptism, Confirmation and Dedication#212If you're offering just anything
Benedictions#93Make us one, Lord, make us one
Benedictions#103There's a spirit of love in this place
