Browsing topics in Worship and Service

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Choir and Chorus Selections#18I will sing the wondrous story
Choir and Chorus Selections#36The fight is on, the trumpet sound is ringing out
Choir and Chorus Selections#62Sowing the seed of the Kingdom, sowing the seed by the way
Choir and Chorus Selections#78Stand up, stand up for Jesus
Choir and Chorus Selections#86In the land of fadeless day
Choir and Chorus Selections#90Some day 'twill all be over
Choir and Chorus Selections#94Upon a wide and stormy sea
Choir and Chorus Selections#102O thou who dost care for my soul
Choir and Chorus Selections#109Lo! the morn eternal breaks
Choir and Chorus Selections#111There was one who was willing to die in my stead
Choir and Chorus Selections#158Awake, awake, and sing the blessed story
Choir and Chorus Selections#159Who would be greatest among you
Choir and Chorus Selections#160Mid the storms of doubt and unbelief
Choir and Chorus Selections#161Make Christ King, is the message we bring in song
Choir and Chorus Selections#162'Twas an inspiration of divine creation
Choir and Chorus Selections#164O Jesus, with thy church abide
Christ#3Christ has for sin atonement made
Christ#5Look ye saints the sight is glorious
Christ#7All for Christ, be this our fervent pray'r
Christ#9Does Jesus care when my heart is pained?
