Browsing topics in Wakan Cekiye Odowan: Hymns in Dakota and English for use in Niobrara Deanery

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Action#148Awanbdakin kta wan (A charge to keep I have)
Action#149Ho, Wakantanka Tawipe (Light's abode, celestial Salem)
Advent#1Śicapi kin nipi kta e (Lo, he comes, with clouds descending)
Advent#2O u ye, O Emmanuel (O come, O come, Emmanuel)
Advent#3Hopi ye, mitakuye (Love of Jesus, all divine)
Advent#4Woyasu anpetu kin (Watchman, tell us of the night)
Advent#7Jesus Christ makata hi qa (To the Name of our salvation)
AdventEvening Hymn#5Christ Jesus Anpao Wicḣpi kin (Saviour, again to thy dear Name we raise)
AdventEvening Hymn#6Anpetu wan hi kta (The sun is sinking fast)
AdventSt. John Baptist#8Wakantanka niun kin He (On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry)
Ascension#50O Christ, wankand yaki (Thou art gone up on high)
Ascension#51Minagi kin, inajin yo (Fight the good fight with all thy might)
Ascension Day#49Wankand idade cin (Crown him with many crowns)
Burial of the Dead#94Christ Jesus ed iṡtinmapi (Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep!)
Burial of the Dead#96O Jesus Christ, Koda wakan (Immortal Love, for ever full)
Burial of the Dead#97O makoce waṡte wan yukan (There's a land that is fairer than day)
Burial of the Dead#98Tuwa Wakan kin Tamaḣpiya ed (O what the joy and the glory must be)
Burial of the DeadBurial of a Child#99Waḣca wan ohinhanna ed (As the sweet flower that scents the morn)
Burial of the DeadNew Year#95Okokipe wiconṭe ko (O God, our help in ages past)
Children's Hymns#80Ho, Wicoḣan ṡica (Do no sinful action)
