Browsing topics in The Hymnal of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America 1940

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Advent IThe Holy Communion Opening#153Christ, whose glory fills the skies
Advent IThe Holy Communion Sequence#8bO Word, that goest forth on high
Advent IThe Holy Communion Sequence#8aO Word, that goest forth on high
Advent IIEvening Prayer Closing#11The King shall come when morning dawns
Advent IIEvening Prayer General#573Go, labor on! spend and be spent!
Advent IIEvening Prayer Opening#4Rejoice, rejoice, believers!
Advent IIMorning Prayer Closing#10On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry
Advent IIMorning Prayer General#442O very God of very God
Advent IIMorning Prayer Opening#402O Word of God incarnate
Advent IIThe Holy Communion Closing#8bO Word, that goest forth on high
Advent IIThe Holy Communion Closing#8aO Word, that goest forth on high
Advent IIThe Holy Communion Communion#195Father, we thank thee who hast planted
Advent IIThe Holy Communion General#473High o'er the lonely hills
Advent IIThe Holy Communion In place of Gloria#209bO saving Victim, opening wide
Advent IIThe Holy Communion In place of Gloria#209aO saving Victim, opening wide
Advent IIThe Holy Communion Opening#402O Word of God incarnate
Advent IIThe Holy Communion Sequence#403Book of books, our people's strength
Advent IIIEvening Prayer Closing#391Thy kingdom come, on bended knee
Advent IIIEvening Prayer General#473High o'er the lonely hills
Advent IIIEvening Prayer Opening#518Judge eternal, throned in splendor
