Browsing topics in Hymnal for Church and Home

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TopicSub-TopicHymnFirst Line
Call and Repentance#176Approach, my soul, the mercy seat
Call and Repentance#177I hear Thy welcome voice
Call and Repentance#178Th'abyss of many a former sin
Call and Repentance#179Deep and precious
Call and Repentance#180As after the water brooks panteth
Call and Repentance#181Dost thou know the living fountain
Call and Repentance#182Awaken from your idle dreaming
Call and Repentance#183Come, ye disconsolate, where'er ye languish
Call and Repentance#184Oh, seek the Lord today!
Call and Repentance#185O bread of life from heaven
Children's Prayers#400Preserve, O Lord, this night
Children's Prayers#401This night, while I am sleeping
Children's Prayers#402Now I lay me down to sleep
Christmas#82Blossom as a rose shall here
Christmas#83Christmas is here with joy untold
Christmas#84There came a message from the sky
Christmas#85A little child so fair and bright
Christmas#86While shepherds watched their flocks by night
Christmas#87Splendid are the heavens high
Christmas#88The happy Christmas comes once more
